Motorman, just getting back on here again, finally, and am wondering if it was ever decided if the tranny oil needed to be changed or/and if it was sealed. Last time I mowed with my GT52XLSi it almost stopped going up a hill, trying it later it acted like it wanted to and finally went up. Reverse worked fine. I'm thinking drive belt, tranny oil or (hopefully) adjustment. Anyone have any thoughts. If it ever stops raining here in PA I'll see if my 73 yr old bones will allow me to crawl under it.
Well, received wisdom is that it should not need changng. Overly cautious , with too much spare time , went ahead @ 50 hours by pulling tranny, and found only slightly discolored oil. And now, @ 250 hours, failing miserably to diagnose a broken drive belt , went inside and found about what I had before-nothing. Counterpoint is lots of you tube machines with high mileage slipping on hills and not responding well to throttle. And after replacement kits the machines seemingly running well. (One person "sanded" a better surface finish on the pump shaft surfaces...). My machine has not been used hard. I think heavy loads and/or overheating probably would cause more wear. I have a dyt4000 with 700 hours still running well without change. (BTW pain with age ca

n be alleviated by rolling around on the cold ground-a kind of TLC yoga--)
-Motorman, just getting back on here again, finally, and am wondering if it was ever decided if the tranny oil needed to be changed or/and if it was sealed. Last time I mowed with my GT52XLSi it almost stopped going up a hill, trying it later it acted like it wanted to and finally went up. Reverse worked fine. I'm thinking drive belt, tranny oil or (hopefully) adjustment. Anyone have any thoughts. If it ever stops raining here in PA I'll see if my 73 yr old bones will allow me to crawl under it.