I got a new, undamaged, unused, never-opened Craftsman blade for two cents at Lowe's.

Alex Ethridge

Active Member
May 25, 2019
  • / I got a new, undamaged, unused, never-opened Craftsman blade for two cents at Lowe's.
I have a 21-inch Bolens push mower that has a ruined blade. Needing one right now, I went to Lowe's and found two identical blades but labeled Troy-Bilt and Craftsman. Thinking the different brands might be priced differently, I took them to the service desk for a price check, Troy-Bilt $29.98, Craftsman two cents. Wanting to deal fairly, I insisted it could not be right and we 'argued' a little bit. She insisted on "ringing up whatever anything scans".

Long story short, I paid two cents and walked out.

I went back in looking for more two-cent Craftsman blades but there were none.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2011
  • / I got a new, undamaged, unused, never-opened Craftsman blade for two cents at Lowe's.
Every now and then a blind squirrel finds a nut in the forrest! Congrats! It is
unusual to say the least.

Alex Ethridge

Active Member
May 25, 2019
  • / I got a new, undamaged, unused, never-opened Craftsman blade for two cents at Lowe's.
Every now and then a blind squirrel finds a nut in the forrest! Congrats! It is
unusual to say the least.
I'm going to try another location and see what happens. If positive, I'll try others.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
  • / I got a new, undamaged, unused, never-opened Craftsman blade for two cents at Lowe's.
I have a 21-inch Bolens push mower that has a ruined blade. Needing one right now, I went to Lowe's and found two identical blades but labeled Troy-Bilt and Craftsman. Thinking the different brands might be priced differently, I took them to the service desk for a price check, Troy-Bilt $29.98, Craftsman two cents. Wanting to deal fairly, I insisted it could not be right and we 'argued' a little bit. She insisted on "ringing up whatever anything scans".

Long story short, I paid two cents and walked out.

I went back in looking for more two-cent Craftsman blades but there were none.

You said Hello to a good buy.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
  • / I got a new, undamaged, unused, never-opened Craftsman blade for two cents at Lowe's.
One of the problems with paying staff peanuts, they have zero loyalty to the store
So the check out operator who probably spends all her waking hours thinking through what she is going to forgo so she can feed her children or pay the power bill probably is glad you got the bargain at the company's expense .
She knew it was a wrong price but she has been trained not to argue .
Some one in IT has probably made this mistake when they last updated the prices
2¢ was probably meant to be the increase in price
So on a discontinued line that now had a $ 00.00 price ( which is a common way to discontinue stock ) a 2 ¢ price rise now amounts to 2 ¢

Alex Ethridge

Active Member
May 25, 2019
  • / I got a new, undamaged, unused, never-opened Craftsman blade for two cents at Lowe's.
One of the problems with paying staff peanuts, they have zero loyalty to the store
So the check out operator who probably spends all her waking hours thinking through what she is going to forgo so she can feed her children or pay the power bill probably is glad you got the bargain at the company's expense .
She knew it was a wrong price but she has been trained not to argue .
Some one in IT has probably made this mistake when they last updated the prices
2¢ was probably meant to be the increase in price
So on a discontinued line that now had a $ 00.00 price ( which is a common way to discontinue stock ) a 2 ¢ price rise now amounts to 2 ¢
Yes, somewhere along the line the educational system dropped analysis, critical thinking AND common sense.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
  • / I got a new, undamaged, unused, never-opened Craftsman blade for two cents at Lowe's.
I doubt lowes is gonna miss the $20.

On a brand spankin new lowes, the cost of the entire building is paid for the 1st two weeks after opening. The merch it took to fully stock it, is paid within the next month.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
  • / I got a new, undamaged, unused, never-opened Craftsman blade for two cents at Lowe's.
Yes, somewhere along the line the educational system dropped analysis, critical thinking AND common sense.
Actually it is management philosophy
Managers are the only people who have brains
Staff are idiot scumbags incapable of thought to be paid the lowest amount possible because they are useless drags on our profit .
The MBA course ( which every manager now has ) teaches their pupils that employees are not people.
They are "Variable Units of Production" , the cost of which is to be reduced to the absolute minimum at every oppertunity .
This is part of the "Greed is Good" thinking which is what is destroying most of the Western economies .


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
  • / I got a new, undamaged, unused, never-opened Craftsman blade for two cents at Lowe's.
I doubt lowes is gonna miss the $20.

On a brand spankin new lowes, the cost of the entire building is paid for the 1st two weeks after opening. The merch it took to fully stock it, is paid within the next month.
Don't fool yourself.
The building is never paid off because it is rented form a subsidery company so they can double dip on tax deductions
Stock is not paid for till after it is sold
So Lowes "allow" various manufacturers , distributors or importers to provide them with floor stock. ( that stock is never Lowes property so never appears on their books )
Lowes only pay for the stock when it is reordered, usually on a 30 day billing cycle from the end of the month .
Thus what you buy on Jan 1 gets replaced on Jan 8 ( assuming weekly deliveries ) which gets billed on Feb 1 to be paid before March 1