hydro gear 618-0249


Sep 24, 2023
If I am not mistaken there should be an Anti-torque bracket to remove too.
OK-not a problem.Thank you.and I don't see why the 0249A would not replace the unlettered one.same mount,same unit-just an improved unit.I just looked at one on Glen's surplus,for 500 bucks-and its the same unit.
Last edited:


Sep 24, 2023
OK-not a problem.Thank you.and I don't see why the 0249A would not replace the unlettered one.same mount,same unit-just an improved unit.I just looked at one on Glen's surplus,for 500 bucks-and its the same unit.
I have it out and draining overnight.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Politics & Social Sciences / Politics & Government

Read or Download: 2,000 Mules: They Thought We'd Never Find Out. They Were Wrong. - full edition by Dinesh D'Souza. (2022)

Free download : http://ebuk.cc/mtst

<span class='a-text-bold'>At last, bestselling author Dinesh D'Souza exposes the powerful evidence of voting fraud that&nbsp;you were told didn't exist. Also, a major motion picture documentary.</span><span><br><br>THE FIX WAS IN<br> <br> The 2020 presidential election was rife with fraud orchestrated by the Democratic Party. That’s not just an accusation; it’s now, thanks to bestselling author and investigative journalist Dinesh D’Souza, an established fact. With eyewitness testimony and the pinpoint precision and analytic sophistication of the forensic technique of geotracking, D’Souza demonstrates how an already corrupt system put in place by Democratic Party hacks and “community organizers” was taken over and supercharged by national-level operatives to&nbsp;jeopardize&nbsp;the integrity of the election.<br> <br> The key figure: the mule. A paid cut-out. A criminal deliveryman. The stooge found at the intersection where election cheating and double-dealing hit the road. The mule is the crook who physically takes a sack of ballots provided by shady NGOs and political machines—the “community activist organizations” made famous by former President Obama, for instance—and&nbsp;dumps those ballots in collection boxes throughout a voting district. Do enough of this, and you have planted voter fraud across a nation.<br> <br> Documentary filmmaker extraordinaire and bestselling author of&nbsp;</span><span class='a-text-italic'>America, Death of a Nation</span><span>, and&nbsp;</span><span class='a-text-italic'>United States of Socialism</span><span>, Dinesh D'Souza exposes powerful evidence of the colossal voting racketeering that&nbsp;you were told didn’t exist. Here you will find the receipts—the transcripts and confirmatory details—for the facts establishing 2020 election fraud presented in D’Souza’s major motion picture documentary,&nbsp;</span><span class='a-text-italic'>2,000 Mules</span><span>. D’Souza makes a powerful argument that 2020&nbsp;</span><span class='a-text-italic'>was</span><span>&nbsp;a stolen election. More important, D’Souza&nbsp;</span><span class='a-text-italic'>proves</span><span>&nbsp;it.</span>

>> Download PDF <<

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Tiger Small Engine

Lawn Addict
Dec 7, 2022
Well,I think it WOULD be worth it.Since I've already removed the deck,got the seat and the back fender off,and already have the speed control disconnected(it needed repair),and the wheels off-then all I have to do is 4 more bolts,and the unit just drops out.And,considering what the cost of another unit would be-like you said yourself,IF I could get one-just 4 more bolts,after I ALREADY have it mostly disassembled anyway,is certainly worth the time and trouble.Besides,it's just me in my workshop,working on my mower,for my own use,when I'm not using it during this time of year,like in summer.And maybe while I have it out,I can add in a drain plug,once I CAREFULLY determine WHERE to put it.(and clean out any chips from drilling!) I have the tools and knowhow and can tap threads to put in a plug,to save effort next time I need to change the oil.I still think the extra work,and minimal expense of oil,and filter is worth saving a good trans,that is not only scarce,but expensive,IF and WHERE you can find one.I have found a few,for about $500.Oil is $32 a can,a filter a few more.A LOT less expensive than at least $500.This mower,built 30 years ago,is MUCH better made than the ones nowadays-you would have to pay a LOT for a new mower built this way.It's much cheaper to keep what I've got.
I am not trying to discourage you from servicing your 30 year old transaxle. It is kind of like rebuilding the rear differential on a Ford Pinto though. If you choose to drill and tap case for draining in the future, please know that oil filter and magnets with potential metals shavings will not be cleaned as a result.


Sep 24, 2023
I am not trying to discourage you from servicing your 30 year old transaxle. It is kind of like rebuilding the rear differential on a Ford Pinto though. If you choose to drill and tap case for draining in the future, please know that oil filter and magnets with potential metals shavings will not be cleaned as a result.
I found a better way.Remove the bottom plate.I already have the trans out,no issues,and cleaned up the outside.Simple matter to undo the star bolts,and take off the plate(after removing the oval piece over the oil pump).Yes.I know about all the small parts inside,have to be careful they don't drop out.I can not only drain out all the old oil,but clean the magnet inside,and replace the filter.Only question-when I refill,how full do I fill it? can I pour most of the oil in the bottom before I put the plate back on,then just top it off,or should I fill it entirely from the top-a lot harder to do that,I think,through a small hole. Oh,I get what you mean by the Pinto--but it happens to be the ONLY "Pinto" I have.Or can afford right now.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
what the.....
This forum has a zero tollerance for spam
So when spam is detected we hit the green "report" link in the bottom left corner and one of the marvelous moderators deletes both the post & the poster
To prevent the moderators who do a great job from getting 10,000 spam reports for the same spam the first person who sees it posts a "spam reported" reply.
You need to remember that the forum is world wide so I see spam down here in OZ while most in the USA are busy making ZZZZZZ's which is the same story for all those to my east .
So when the first mod sees the post they remove it
May times a spammer will post 1 or 2 one day, then add spam to every thread the next day although this has not happened for quite some time but a while back it was not uncommon to hit the "new posts" link and get many pages of spam tacked onto threads that were years old .
A bit confusing to you but that is the way things work here & they work really well .


Sep 24, 2023
This forum has a zero tollerance for spam
So when spam is detected we hit the green "report" link in the bottom left corner and one of the marvelous moderators deletes both the post & the poster
To prevent the moderators who do a great job from getting 10,000 spam reports for the same spam the first person who sees it posts a "spam reported" reply.
You need to remember that the forum is world wide so I see spam down here in OZ while most in the USA are busy making ZZZZZZ's which is the same story for all those to my east .
So when the first mod sees the post they remove it
May times a spammer will post 1 or 2 one day, then add spam to every thread the next day although this has not happened for quite some time but a while back it was not uncommon to hit the "new posts" link and get many pages of spam tacked onto threads that were years old .
A bit confusing to you but that is the way things work here & they work really well .
I just was wondering what something like that was doing on a lawnmower forum,is all. Didn't know what it was.