Hustler Mowers Being Sold at Lowes and Home Depot


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2013
As I've said I'm a new dealer. Two weeks new. I ordered Raptor & SDs three weeks ago and haven't seen them yet. Looks like I have another week to wait. F hats because they are building Lowes units before mine then it stinks. If I sell them and reorder do have to wait another month in peak selling season?
May 29, 2011
As I've said I'm a new dealer. Two weeks new. I ordered Raptor & SDs three weeks ago and haven't seen them yet. Looks like I have another week to wait. F hats because they are building Lowes units before mine then it stinks. If I sell them and reorder do have to wait another month in peak selling season?

What part of North Carolina do you live in?


May 12, 2014
I wonder how many people actually go back and reread their posts. I haven't seen this much elitist crap on a forum since years ago playing video games.

I read this:
"I'm too cool to go to a big box store. If you go to a big box store, then you are a stupid noob who deserves to have your machine break down."

You should thank those stores. The prices of your Rolex lawn mowers would be a hell of a lot higher if those stores weren't around. If dealers are actually hurt by this, that is their own fault. The dealers around here bank pretty nicely from those Deeres being sold at Lowes. Maybe the dealers in your area need to rethink their abilities to run a business. Here, they are not only succeeding with it...they are part of it! It's THEIR tag on the mower. THEY are the ones who put them together. THEY are the ones who service them. They are also the ones who are selling the exact same series in their shop at the exact same prices as our Lowes.

If your dealers give you a cold shoulder or attitude if you bring in a big box store item for service or repair, they deserve to lose their business. That mindset may have worked 30 years ago, not now. Adapt to the customer service era we are in now, or just close your doors.

BTW: Surely you don't think they are going to put in anything more than their entry-level line? People know they are buying that level of a mower there. Not everyone is stupid. I don't know where you guys who are acting like this live, but around here -- people can read the damned model numbers and make sense out of it.

So, now I'm going to post this... go think about what level of mower I want/need... and deduct points for anything over 8k. I would hate to be part of such an elitist group of snobs. Then, I'll come back and reread this post and, why did I even try to talk to snootie tooties over the interwebz.