The last non-Stihl dealership I worked for was a Husqvarna dealer in Bardstown. Lowes told their customers that if they had any problems, take the mower to us, and
we "had" to do the warranty work.....
So we would get pissed off folks all of the time showing up, and once the owner heard where they bought the unit from, he would tell them to take it back there!!!!
One day in the service department, the secretary patched in a phone call from Husqvarna to me, they begged me to look at this guys trimmer that he bought at Lowes.
Needless to say, my boss was pissed at me for taking it in, I fixed the problems as I found them, the customer was an *** from the start.
After all, I was a warranty dealer, I had to make it right????? No?????
Needless to say, the dealer submits the warranty claims, and if Husqvarna denies it, then the dealer has to try to get the funds from the customer...... Right!!!!!!!!!!!
Plus the poor mechanic gets into trouble for wasting all of this time dealing with the forms, phone calls with Husqvarna and the customer, time listening to the customer come in and biatch for a half hour, etc....
All for a unit bought at Lowes!!!!!!!! Sheesh!!!!!
Hell, after I quit that job, that customer started calling me at home!!!!!!