Have a lot of earthworms in yard. I think it looks healthy. Hopefully stays mole free.
You are right there is several methods to try.
I used those baits too. Did not help. Even tried sticking a hose in the tunnel and flooding it. I think they just made an underground pool!
Is that mole alive you are holding? How did you catch it?
I was doing somethine near where we have a Crepe Myrtle. There had been mole activity. I glimpsed something moving in the mole hill near me, went and looked, and saw about a square inch of fur. I steeled myself, and in a quick, Ninja like move, pinched the fur and flipped the mole over onto the driveway. It must have been slightly stunned cause it wiggled like a sausage on a hot grill. Then I got it behind the neck and went to get my daughter to take a picture.
I released it in the yard of my least favorite neighbor.
NAW! - my daughter and I drove down to a large vacant lot and released it. It disappeared in about 3 seconds!
I have a mole now about every-other year. We name it and tell folks it's our invisible pet.