they are opportunistic feeders of invertebrates so, if you have grubs, they eat grubs. BUT, 70% of their food in one study I read was earthworms. If you have a healthy lawn, you have their favorite food.
Some trivia and experience I've had with moles;
You only have one - they are territorial and even the females chase their young away. The reason it can look like you have a lot, they dig tunnels and then abandon them when they find no more worms.
They prefer to repair a damaged 'active' tunnel than to dig around. That's why some traps work, a lump on the bottom of the tunnel can cause them to trigger the trap. Thekey to most removal techniques is observing where the most recent activity is.
I have tried and failed with;
pepper flakes and garlic
Tom's bait (looks like an earthworm)
Giant Destroyer - didn't work for me, but fun! (they are giant smoke bombs)
Neighbor tried and failed with a battery powered 'sonic chaser'.
I think it could be interesting to try using a pipe/metal hose to feed lawnmower exhaust into the tunnels. in parts of the country where folks have basements, I don't think this would be a good idea. Yeah, unlikely to fill your or a neighbor's basement with CO - but I guess it's possible.
I happen to catch one once;
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