We had an old rider whose deck was trashed, and we usta just send the kids out on it. All it took was removing the deck. Yeah. it WAS kinda slow. Just right for junior drivers. We hooked it up, freight-train style, to an engine-less go-kart, a coupla kids wagons and a trike on the end, and let 'em drive out in the field. A gallon of gas gave us a nice break from any number of kids... As far as the go-kart conversion goes, I'm thinkin' it'd be scary. Most of the mowers I've looked at really were'nt what I'd call over-engineered. Those racing ones have very little in common with "real" lawnmowers. I want to see a lawnmower race where they MOW LAWN. Some of those with the snowmobile drive train might be interesting. They smoke the tires like a funny car. You wouldn't be able to tell if you'd mowed or plowed!