Might get some what use to the temps but it is the snow that has turned to solid ice now that is causing a lot problems. At least tomorrow it will finally get above freezing and then week worth of rain starts.
This winter blast has been unusually long as where I am we just see this lasting more than a few days at a time.
FedEx has really screwed up on deliveries this time. It snowed Monday night. They still had a couple good days before things turn to solid ice. But they just had to take Monday off for the federal holiday even knowing bad was coming in. To make things worst the UPS and USPS are still making deliveries on my street. The FedEx contractor is just not setup to handle this type of weather event. It that or you know I called out the mental ward on the driver that wear shorts in freezing temps.
You ain't kidding about the FedEx thing.
I bought the cat a different type of can food (meow mix). It arrived a few days before the bad weather. After about 3 cans of it, I realized she simply wouldn't eat it. So I ordered her normal food. It went from Iowa to Waterloo MS, in one day. And has been there since the 18th.
The cat has been pissed at me for the last 3 days.
I supposed it's just good business to let people wait on their packages. Truck wrecks and insurance is expensive. Especially if there's injuries and deaths involved.