Thanks for allowing me to join this forum. Since joining i was able to repair one mower and look forward maybe helping too.
I own older riding (Murray & Craftsman) and a push mower from the 60's with a 2 1/2hp Briggs that I use weekly.
Mark Wood
Welcome to the forum, just can't kill them mowers made back in the 60's.
Welcome to the LMF! You never know what you might learn on here, or what
you may share that will help others. I've been working on mowers for over
40 years and still learning things. Looking fwd to reading your posts. :thumbsup:
That is because in the 60's they were a luxury item and priced accordingly so the factories made good profits.
No self tappers, fuel taps , ball bearing or bronze bushes on the wheels, heavy wall tubing etc.
However they were heavy, fairly hard to start and cost 10 times as much as we pay today ( adjusted for inflation ).
My fathers walk behind cost him well over a month pay ( close to 2 months ).
Now days they cost less than a weeks pay.
So they are not going to be the same quality.