Not sure you'd like it there. I myself am out of it sometimes! LOL!
People are facinating and what makes them think a particular way is even more facinating.
Like some here who think that The President actually controls the price of fuel .
Firearms are always fun along with fire arm regulations or lack there of.
Then there is "freedom"
Amazed how many people think not wearing a face mask is a sign of "freedom" from authority
Yet the same people have a Google & face Book accounts , giving them all of their personal information and generally a pile of reward cards for shopping with .
What people think is of little interest because I know I am right & they are all wrong
but why they have come to those wrong conclusions is the interesting bit .
One of the very good things about the moderating of this forum is that the moderators do allow threads to go off topic & delve into personal beliefs and even religions provided that the discourse remains civil.
Most forums will not allow this at all and that tends to make them some what sanguine.
I have been kicked off several forums because of "communist subversive comments " , " un American attitude " or even "un Christian comments "
And the one that floored me was a forum where Chinese made items were denegrated on a daily basis and all sorts of inuendoes about the interlect of Chinese was quite acceptable.
When some one asked about "Indian parts " I suggested that the poster might be a little racist as India the country actually makes nothing but there are thousands of people in India who do make things and considering them all to be the same is a touch on the racists side unless he knew which Indian was making the parts he was considering .
They tossed me off of there because I used the word "racist"