Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.

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Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
If they threw them out of office there would be no politicians in Washington. If Bidens lips are moving he is lying. Look what they are saying about the border. The Border is closed? That is why Abbott is putting up more fencing on the Border. Biden sued Texas and the Supreme Court said they could cut it down. Biden is having the National Guard cut it down. SCOTUS did not say Texas could not put it up and when it is cut they put it back up. Good for Texas 25 other Govs. are siding with Texas.

They'd get replaced. Being a politician is still a good paying gig. Even without all the lobbyist money. We have a good system. We just have a pack of liars in office who don't care about the people once they're elected.


Lawn Addict
Jul 11, 2021
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
I don't have a problem with legal immigrants. It's the illegals that are killing our country. The Dems want them because their policies are ruining our country and they are loosing their voter base, They want to make it legal of illegals to vote and the more they are the more congress men there are to represent their states. Even the cities that are blue are not crying for them to stop the flow. They just want more money to help address the issues. We don't know what is crossing the border. A lot of them are young chinese men and other naltionalities of fighting age. These are possible terrorist. God help us all God bless the USA. We need Trump back in office.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
If I was living poor in Mexico or South America, or anywhere really, I'd do what I had to do to come to the US. Even if coming illegally was my only option.
Applying for a visa in Mexico costs about $500. If you don't have a credit record or own property, regardless of how decent you are, you're denied. And you lose the $500.
I knew a man who went through that 3 times. You know how hard it is to raise $500 in Mexico, when the going rate for labor is like $15 per DAY? (and still care for your family)

So a decade ago, he hopped and skipped across the Rio with some friends. And now, he's got the best yard services in that town. Has a nice house, nice cars and still supports his family back in Mexico. The man is truly decent. He's now a legal citizens. But there was no possible way he could've done it the legal way.
This is the vast majority of people coming here, who are just trying to better their lives for themselves and their families. Especially for their kids.
I'm in no way siding with the left on this issue. Just bringing up the facts. And keeping an open mind as to why they come here. Which is something the right don't want to address. If they addressed that, then this problem would finally have a solution. But putting up barriers and trying to block them will never work.

As a small engine mechanic, you know there's more than one way to fix most problems.


Lawn Addict
Jul 11, 2021
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Those are not the kind of people I am concerned with. It is the criminals that these countries are sending into our country. They are empenting their prisons insane assylums into our country. 300,000 illegals crossed into our country in the month of December alone. Congress is bringing articles of impeacment against Mayorkas because he will not uphold the laws. The Biden admistration has opened it up to anyone that wants to come in and vetting no one. We have illegals from 125 different countries cross our borders.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Basically it comes down to info we are fed is cherry picked by the Right and Left. We need the whole story not just one side's of it. Otherwords we need the nitty gritty of it.

We do need to get operational control of the borders and it looks like once Congress passes a law with teeth we close it down. This way we start sending back all the illegal crossers back to their home country. Even Mexico is being hit by illegals. Those that are crossing illegal got to be pretty well at their last straw to go though razor wire.

Amd I remember one story of that big wall being used to catapult drugs over the border. They actually welded the catapult to the wall.


Lawn Addict
Jul 11, 2021
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
We already have the laws present adminstration just refuses to enforce them.
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Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
You got to remember everytime our presidents try to control the border with executive orders and our weak immigration laws they get sued and the courts rule against them. NAd can't build concentration camps due our humanitarian laws. So there is only so much room we have to put people awaiting processing.

And all those that are bitching about the foreigners really need to take a serious look into their own family histories. There virtually no native people of this country left. Nearly all of us are of foreign descent with quite a few coming here illegally to start with.

Although I have some Cherokee descent in my bloodline a good portion of it is from European descent. Either way I did not add to the current population other than myself.

I would think even the Great DJT has a lot foreign blood in his family history that he is so trying so hard to ignore. And I would put past it that some his distant relatives came here illegally too.

Just think the Europeans came here and just took over while slaughtering the American Indians and stealing their lands.

So what skeletons are hidden in all of our closets.
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Active Member
Jun 10, 2012
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
My family all immigrated and They all did it legally.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
My family all immigrated and They all did it legally.
Very good and thanks for adding to our Great Melting Pot of ideas and improvement of our abilities overall. As long we can can get along and compromise we all benefit.

The problem is the illegals but there some among us population that consider all immigrates bad and that is not right at all. My neighbor and one my best friends is first generation American German. Both his parents are Germans that came here legally after WWII.
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