It is cooling off now. But all the yards are brown as in mid winter. Trees are mostly yellow green, cottonwood trees have lost half there leaves. Every fruit tree in town has a bumper crop of small fruit with falling leaves. All bare spots are just an inch of dust. Last time i mowed was June 21st. The corn crop and wheat crop matured early from warm spring weather but the soybeans are toast and the milo soon to be toast. Prarie hay is usually waist high by now, barely high enough this year to swathe. The CRP was burned off this spring but never really came out of it. Any tree with a unhealthy branch has a dead bare one there now. Cracks around the foundation of the houses in the ground wide enough to put your hand in all the way to your wrist. A single bucket of water will attract thousand of ants in just an hour. J ust plain sucks lol.