The ones that came off this deck didn't have the set screw n them. And none of it was black.
I'm replacing the right side bearings on this Gravely. (fhr205-16SP) Seems everyone wants to just sell the entire spindle assembly. Glad you mentioned there's two different ones on one mower. LMAO.. Now I've got to spend an extra hour making sure I'm looking at the right part & numbers.
Looks like these are about $75 for all 6.
Usually the locking collar is not used and is just put in the recycling bin here.
And $45.32 is about what I would pay for those bearings when I order only those @6 ea per time including shipping. So I could sell to my customer 6 for $66.84 plus an hour of labor for installing them.
But when I order bearings I am usually ordering others too. This is my last bearing order with 3 day USPS priority shipping out of Memphis, TN.
So the actually cost on this order for the 6 ea CSA205-16 was $33.96 with the shipping on the above order divided evenly among the 32 bearings. So PT with the right bearing supplier your cost can be lower especially when you are in business of repairs with Business and Sale Tax licenses.
I just did a Hustler Super Z where the bearings are inverted when compared the Gravely, Yazoo, and Husqvarna spindles that I done this year.
Crosses for the RA100RR bearing.