GREETINGS to all Grasshopper mower owners! :thumbsup:
If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name :laughing. maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.
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Please be helpful and friendly to all other Grasshopper owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:
We want to make this the best resource for Grasshopper mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Grasshopper stuff? Post it here!
Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
... I just sold that machine and bought a 1999 721D2 with a grass catcher, snowblower and a winter enclosure. Love the Brown and Tan.
I have a 1994 Grasshopper 725 that I bought in 1997. My son and I mow 20 acres in three locations weekly. Most of the ground is pretty rough. The machine has taken a lot, but I just recently replaced its original deck with a 2003 one in MUCH better shape. The old one was no longer a stable platform for the spindles and blades. I just read an article on your site where mowmow fabricated a replacement deck part for the same one that was so distorted and corroded on mine that I was motivated to replace the entire deck. Oh, well, my route was easier, although more expensive.
Very informative forum. Thanks to those who maintain LMF. My first ZTR (hopefully long lasting) is a Grasshopper 325D w/61" deck. Grammar air ride seat, halogen headlights, bar tires, powervac collection system. I truly enjoy the diesel performance and fuel squeezing performance. I find the OEM parts/filters best for my maintenance program and Rotella T6 synthetic oil.
Hello all, I found this app on my iPhone. So far I like, but can't seem to save pictures I tried to upload.
I been cutting lawns for ten years. On January 1 2012 I started my first LLC.
My favorite thing about it all is my brand spanking new 2012 model 725D GRASSHOPPER with vac. Hostely I would not have gone into business without it.
That is a REALLY nice mower!! :thumbsup::thumbsup: I rotated your picture so people don't have to tilt their heads to see it! :wink:
View attachment 10525
I hope to hear what you have to say on many interesting topics here on LawnMowerForum!
nice machine AmericanTurf,is that lever that sticks up the way you adjust deck height?Looks like how my older 928d works as far as adjusting deck height.whats the black bar on the front of the deck for? by the way welcome to lmf...russ
just stumbeled on yr site by accident & am sure glad i did ....recently accuired a woods/grasshopper # 1820 w/52" deck and a 18 hp(iron sleeve motor !!GREETINGS to all Grasshopper mower owners! :thumbsup:
If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name :laughing. maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.
Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.
Please be helpful and friendly to all other Grasshopper owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:
We want to make this the best resource for Grasshopper mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Grasshopper stuff? Post it here!
Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
Just came across this site and saw there was a Grasshopper forum. I have a lawn business here in Southwest Louisiana and I have been running Grasshoppers since 2006. My current fleet is:
'09 329B 61" with 1700+hours
'11 729B 52" with power vac collection system with 650+ hours
'04 322D 61" with 3200+ hours (actually just bought this a week ago and is in shop getting a new deck shell, some idiot removed the baffles)
...Just received our new 930D/72" along with the Grammer seat:thumbsup:
I've been a diehard Kubota fan for years, I wouldn't have considered a Grasshopper if they didn't offer the Kubota powerplant, I'm glad they do!
'04 322D 61" with 3200+ hours (actually just bought this a week ago and is in shop getting a new deck shell, some idiot removed the baffles)
WELCOME to these Forums...
That is a great mower & I'm with you on Kubota Diesel Engines, they are a couple notches Above Great...
And while we are looking at Great... TBN certainly is, glad you came over from a good spot to join us... :smile:KennyV
Have had two Grasshoppers, both with rear discharge decks. The first was a gas
The present is a diesel ...
... We mow about 7 acres. The fuel efficiency is way better with the diesel.
Short time reader , 1st time poster. I'm impressed with this forum and all the people just helping one another.
I have A 2002 GH220 .
... I love the engine. That's one of the reasons why I gravitated to the Grasshopper with the Kubota diesel in it.
I am answering the invitation to introduce myself.
I am new to the Grasshopper world, but not new to ZTR's. I bought a 253 hour 725K2 yesterday with 61" deck, Power Vac and dump from seat hopper. It has been generally extremely well cared for except the original owner evidently did not know that the spindles have grease fittings. It was so noisy you wouldn't believe it and two of the fittings were so rusted I couldn't get them to take grease, so I replaced all three spindles last night.
I have the oil draining out of it right now, but hope to fill it up with oil tonight, grease my new spindles and mow with it. I have mowed a little with it and really like the front mount deck and the way it maneuvers. I do all my own maintenance and repair, so I like the layout of the machine very much.
I mowed the past 8 years with a Bad Boy which is a durable and reliable machine, but driving it is like driving a one ton truck compared to the Grasshopper which is more like my old Mercedes SLK Roadster.
I look forward to discussing mowers and lawn care with all you guys,
Hello, I'm new to the Forum and checking in for the first time.
I'm the second owner of a 1996 vintage Grasshopper 721D with 970 hours total time. The previous owner babied it and it's a beauty. However, it will no longer be stored in a climate controlled shop as before, but outside in the cold, at least for a season. I'm concerned about cold starting a diesel and plan to install a soft plug heater. One seller on e-bay offers these for $50 shipped. But before I buy, I wanted some input from the forum if anyone knows which model number Katz heater is the correct one for the Kubota model 722-E diesel engine in this machine?
Anyone have experience installing the Katz soft plug heater in a 721D?
For instance, which soft plug does Grasshopper suggest the heater be installed?
What is the best method to remove the soft plug?
What wattage heater does Grasshopper recommend? I live in IA where OATs can reach 25 degrees below zero and this machine MUST start so I can blow the snow.
A local man suggested using a magnetic oil pan heater. Does anyone have experience with one of these and how it performs compared to a soft plug heater? Has anyone tried both?
I can't find a Grasshopper part number for a soft plug heater. Does anybody know if Grasshopper offers a specific part number for a Katz soft plug heater?
I do about 500 hours a year on a 2010 721D, 61" front mount ( 100 acre Christmas tree farm ) and the only thing I've had to replace is maintenance items, belts, blades, tires....I believe one of the reasons it gets so many hours is because it's so darn comfortable and you just can't beat a front mount ZTR. It has about 2000 hours on it, I do need to replace the Actuator for raising the deck if anyone has an inexpensive line on any.I purchased a used woods 5215 (1992?) From what I can tell it is a grasshopper 721D It has the 722 diesel engine 61" deck, and need (needed) some work. The frame inbetween the hydrastats was broke so i had to disassemble it to weld it back together. I replaced a leaky seal and 0-ring on the hydrostats (771 gemini) while I had it out. It is very used (bought from golf course) with 2800 hours on it. Runs good, newish tires, needs a battery, and some more tlc.
I got the mower/deck along with a good seat (couple years old) a couple extra new spindles some old quick disconnect pto shafts for the driveline. I paid $200 for the mower and figure I will have $400 and 15 hours in it by the time I have it up to par with new fluids/battery and all the little stuff.
Not that I really needed it for 3/4 of an acre (does have 50 trees or so), but I figured for the price I couldn't go to wrong.
I'll try to get some pics later
Thursday 4/10 I bought a used 2008 Grasshooper model 727T with 61" deck and 460 hours.
Will be picking it up in the next few days.
Though I've used a Grasshopper before, this is the first one I've ever owned.
Whats the problem with the Grasshopper?
I live on 80 acres in Kansas. I just play on it I say play I have 3 cats and 1 dog for my livestock. I mow about 5 acres with my 1822 grasshopper. My grasshopper is old and I have been throwing a lot of $ at my mower every season but my left wheel locked up last week and I think I will just bite the bullet and purchase a Dixie Chopper. I really like my grasshopper but I think it is time for a change and I like to go fast in everything I do.
GREETINGS to all Grasshopper mower owners! :thumbsup:
If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name :laughing. maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.
Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.
Please be helpful and friendly to all other Grasshopper owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:
We want to make this the best resource for Grasshopper mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Grasshopper stuff? Post it here!
Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
The Kubota diesel in that mower should last 3000 hours or better with regular service. I've never had a Woods, only my Grasshopper 721D. It had 750 hours on it when I bought it. It's got nearly 2000 hours on it now and no sign of trouble. Great on fuel. Doesn't burn or leak any oil. Sounds as good as it did the day I bought it. It's a 96 model with the original Gemini drives. No sign of weakness there either. I have a 61 inch deck, cab, snow blower, 4 foot Little Bully blade, and a 6 foot Sweepster. I use it year 'round. And all of it works great. I added a frost plug heater and a magnetic oil pan heater to make winter starting easier. The way it's going, it may well last the rest of my days.
Cold starts on a diesel are tough, I the frost plug heater and the magnetic oil pan heater are excellent investments. I can guarantee that you've extended the life many times with the amount of cold starts you must have using it all winter.
I have a snow blower for my 725D and have thought of purchasing the rotary broom, can you tell me what you experiences have been with the broom?
I live on a gravel lane and the snow plow plows rocks and gravel into my yard. The broom works wonders in the spring to sweep all that gravel right back out into the lane. Also, I use it to sweep up under my black walnut trees; no more picking up walnuts. Also, I use it at least once a year over the entire lawn to remove thatch. Works fantastic. If you get one, just throttle it down so as not to unnecessarily heat up the broom bristles and overwork the gearbox. Higher speeds only raise up a bigger cloud of dust anyway. Good luck.
Thanks for the reply, That's interesting using it in the yard I live along a paved street on a hill where they spread a lot of gravel then plow that gravel into the yard the next snow, I have to rake every spring I really like the idea of the broom for that problem.
I have a sweepster from back in the 70's that come off a John Deere lawn tractor, I picked it up very reasonable but have never tried to fabricate a Grasshopper mount. Maybe I should sell it to a J.D. guy and buy a news one with the right mount.
howdy, i'm bob from the kcmo area. my first zero-turn was an ariens mid-mount...loved the zero turn feature....did not like the ride...rough....if i ever buy another grasshopper, it will be a 900 series with diesel....but 20k is a lot of coin!!
I just took delivery of my "new" 928D today! It's solid! Will be replacing the rear tires, adding a shade canopy, replacing with LED headlamps.Bob: AMEN! I've had a GHopper 223 mid-mount for 8 years on my slope-y 3 acres. LOVE IT ... now that I'm really old :laughing: I've been shopping for a 900 series front mount diesel on Craigs list for over a year.
Just bought a used 929D front mount Kubota diesel yesterday for $5,000 with a massive 71" power lift deck from an 80 year old man about 90 miles away with only 1100 hours! I'm IN LOVE! I hear ya' man!
Wow to all of my fellow members great to meet you all from around the world. Names Rench been a member about a year bought my used 2003 725g2 GH w/732hrs, Kubota gas & 52" deck from school district auction. She's worn but still strong just needs TLC and alot of learning on my part as dealerships are 200+ mile away. Not as bad as France (sorry guys). Walkers are fine but have you ever seen one mowing a pasture that horses, cows graze on with all of the ruts, gopher hole/mounds that abound on 21/2 acres? I haven't.I have two grasshopper zero radius mowers... a 922D yr 2008 and a 930D yr 2012 front lift deck. I've had many mowers during my nearly 3/4 of a century on earth. I cannot sing the praises of these two diesels enough. I only use them for my lawns, one in FL 3.4 acres and one in S. GA 3.5 acres. Great thing about grasshoppers is it doesn't take all day to doing the mowing. I have time for to do other honeydo's.
If you need a reliable mower and want one of the best, you can't go wrong buying one. ? //ken
New (old guy) owner of an older 616. Currently trying to solve a no-start issue.GREETINGS to all Grasshopper mower owners! ?
If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name ?). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.
Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.
Please be helpful and friendly to all other Grasshopper owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:
We want to make this the best resource for Grasshopper mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Grasshopper stuff? Post it here!
Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
Hey Steve. No value on trade in (imo). Best just to keep it and run it till it can't run no more.I am new to this forum, and this is my first post.
My name is Steve, and I live about 25 miles from Madison, Wisconsin. From my late father I inherited a Grasshopper, liquid-cooled, 52-inch, front-mount model 725A with Kohler engine. I think it is a 2004 model, and it has 1560 hours on it. It has been serviced by the dealer every year. If it is possible, I want to install a ROPS and new seat on it and then keep it forever. Does that seem wise, or is this mower simply too old to sink money into. What would it be worth on trade?
Hey Steve. No value on trade in (imo). Best just to keep it and run it till it can't run no more.
I added a new suspension seat (picture above) 4/5 years ago and definitely a wise investment (according to my back).
You say you have a liquid cooled Kohler.? Honestly didnt know Kohler made a water cooled motor of that time frame.
526V52GREETINGS to all Grasshopper mower owners! ?
If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name ?). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.
Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.
Please be helpful and friendly to all other Grasshopper owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:
We want to make this the best resource for Grasshopper mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Grasshopper stuff? Post it here!
Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
I put a ROPS on it, and a seat belt, but ultimately couldn’t cough up $1200 for a suspension seat. I’m going to keep it until it dies, and in the meantime I feel a lot better when I’m mowing on inclines.Hey Steve. No value on trade in (imo). Best just to keep it and run it till it can't run no more.
I added a new suspension seat (picture above) 4/5 years ago and definitely a wise investment (according to my back).
You say you have a liquid cooled Kohler.? Honestly didnt know Kohler made a water cooled motor of that time frame.
Just acquired in trade a vintage GH mower #1822 with deck #6152GREETINGS to all Grasshopper mower owners!
If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.
Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.
Please be helpful and friendly to all other Grasshopper owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:
We want to make this the best resource for Grasshopper mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Grasshopper stuff? Post it here!
Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.
I hear you about the front mount deck.Just found the intro thread!?! At 68 and I bought my first Grasshopper 4 years ago when we built our first house. We lived in the old house 42 years and it was 118 years old.
My Grasshopper is a 329BB mid-mount with a 61” deck. I opted for the good seat and I mow 5 acres with it. I do wish I had bought a front mount 72” diesel. Front mount would make deck/blade maintenance easier, 72” obvious and diesel, well, my JD 3025e is diesel. Anyway, I love my Grasshopper and my local dealer is awesome!!