It does... was playing with new toy settings and placed into wall outlet by couch and got a 121v @ 59Hz reading. If it's around 30Hz, you saved me from draining gas (not much in tank).
I'll add some and let it run a while and see if it settles down and then take another reading.
Thanks for the tip ILENGINE!
Added my own gas and started up Generac and she ran rough (3500 rpms) for 5 min then settled down.
Tach reading 3660 rpms at full throttle no load
Measured fluctating readings of 99-110v all at 60.x-61Hz
Head scratcher, any tips on what to try next???
For comparison fired up my own generator;
Tach reading 3660 rpms at full throttle no load
Measured reading of 125v all at 60.x-61Hz