It turns backwards when ur going slowly. You can watch it, it's trying to make ur turning circle smaller. I'll post a video of that when I get the machine back fr service
Of course it will turn backwards if you pull the controller that far...
it will also go slower than the other side if you pull it back a little and push the outside (of your turning circle) faster...
If you are making your turns using only the inside of the turn controller... yes you are tearing up your lawn & you are going to cause the pump and wheel motor life to dramatically shorten...
You should not cause the drive wheels to go from forward to reverse without spending a little time in between... (that would be neutral, no oil flowing)...
Make turns by speeding up the outside wheel and slowing the inside, NOT by reversing the inside. I know you can force it do otherwise but it will be hard on everything.... :smile:KennyV