Engine Thrust Bearing


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
Oh it was a challenge to get to PTO clutch on. I ended up having to use a bottle jack as assist to get it on. I just couldn't hold the clutch up long enough to align the bearings but finally got it on and the mower is back home with the customer.
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Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
"Peoples persecption[sic] of quality is usually corrupted by price & marketing"

I could "pedantic" you on that one, but I see what you mean.
Be my guess Fuzzy
I have dyslexia so spelling is not a strong suit
I gave up trying to check every word written well before internet forums were invented.
Down here post WWII the government realized how vulnerable we were to supply chain disruptions.
So they brought in big import duties along with the import replacement subsidy plan .
SO those who like to milk the government set up small factories to make shoddy copies of stuff we imported .
Thus there was born a cultural cringe that all high quality products were imported and all local made products were trash.
This is still part of the culture so it is near impossible to get any market penetration for a locally made product despite the fact that the local product is vastly superiour to what was being imported.
Victa once had 75 % of the local market, but most were branded with resellers name .
OTOH in the UK they sold for bigger money because the UK was by & large used to doing repairs on their own machines so the simplicity of the power torque appealed to them .
They sold very well in Germany because Germans appreciate good sound engineering .
Australians expected them to run forever with no maintenance so the 5 year & 10 year maintenance never got done thus they became hard to start so the owners went out & bought a Honda because the start so easy.
When I service the old piece of !!!!! sitting in the back of the shed and they see it start 1/2 through the first pull they can not believe what they are seeing.
Then when they start using it as "back up" the $ 1600 SP Honda ends up down the back of the shed , particularly if they mulch rather than catch ( Victa catchers were always too small )
The stupidity of it is Victa never thought about selling 5 year & 10 year service kits to hammer home just how cheap they were to run & maintain .
We had 5 companies that made ride ons and 8 that made walk behinds . nearly all have closed down because the locals will not buy locally made mowers despite the fact they they are so much better than anything we import.
My Greenfields Fast cut 34" cuts a acre much fasted than any other tractor style mower with decks up to 50" and can just about equal a 42" ZTR, has a service life of around 30 years and uses standard pollyester belts which usually wear out rather than break .
But they went bust last year because stupid Aussies would rather purchase the heavily advertised Husqvarna's that are pushing it to make 5 years , eat $ 100+ belts at an alarming rate , go through blades every season & because there is no overlap on the blades require double cutting to remove the unmowed strips between the blades if you let the grass get any higher than 6" and we are getting near 10" of growth a week right now .


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
I did work on those lawnboys in 70s and 80s.I know exactly what youi talking about.I fixed them by putting spacer that friend made for me out of some oil lite material.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I did work on those lawnboys in 70s and 80s.I know exactly what youi talking about.I fixed them by putting spacer that friend made for me out of some oil lite material.
There are so many posts in this thread that I don't know for sure which you are replying to, but it sounds very interesting. Could you give some more info?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
I was refer to first post.Orignal engine did not come with that trust bearing and washer.Problem was like you describe that fly wheel was catching starter gear.At first i was just putting steal spacer than made improvement and switch to that special material.But this mowers come back for tune up and never had problem with fly wheel dragging on that plastic gear.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Ah! You were referring to post #7 (also mine):

This is a larger issue for me to understand than just this engine. My 'daily-driver' crankshaft has been migrating up slightly so the flywheel is starting to "ting" against the pull-starter assembly on top. Not continuously, but when I hit a bump at higher throttle.

My temporary fixes have been to periodically add thin spacers between the starter and shroud screws and the shroud and shroud-base screws. I'm up to about 3/16" now to stop the pinging. Once I get this mower finished, my daily-driver is coming in and getting a serious teardown to see what's going on. I hate doing it because it's still running great (for 30+ years), but the ping....ting....ting..ping.ting is very annoying. At least now I understand that thrust (i.e., crankshaft endplay) is controlled only by the crankcase cover, and not the crankcase.

Here's a sneak-peak at the mower I'm building. It's nearly done, just needs me to put on the flywheel, CDI, carburetor (Walbro), and shroud.: