Thanks BHLC for the reply and the input,:thumbsup: I am glad you got results $3000.00 that's a good return and if you keep the customers great.:thumbsup: I would be glad with a return like that. We just ordered 1000 door hangers from adeas printing and paid my son to do the work for us. We downloaded Easy flyer creator ( wich I do not recommend ) did not work with windows 8. We are still waiting to get are money back / he said he would refund in 3 to 5 days. This is why my son did them for us. I am going to hit about 333 houses three times about 10 days apart. I have been researching marketing and following this guys advice about effective marketing. So far it has worked the first 3 years. He also has a million dollar lawn care company. He also says 80% of people will not call back to the same company when looking for a lawn care pro if no one answers. They just move on to the next guy. If I missed the call because I am mowing and did not hear/ or with another customer/ I cold call that number back.:licking: THE RESPONSE I GET IS USUALLY GREAT IF THEIR LOOKING FOR LAWN CARE. :licking: I am also putting my ad in the local paper on Monday 2 other companies have their ad in. They are big companies they usually never put ads in the paper. So I am going to have more competition this year. Since I started 5 more companies placed ads in the last few years in the paper. 1 was the guy I worked for before getting out on my own. I am shooting to double my clients this year. Sorry I have to keep my other secrets -secrets--- :smile: THANKS FOR THE INPUT :smile: