CraftsmanT-130 18.5 HP Briggs & Stratton Issue


Lawn Pro
Jul 14, 2019
Following is the issue with the mower, along with parts I have replaced:
Should of stated what you have TESTED. I'm listening to you so let's roll.
When I try to start the engine, it tries to start, but will NOT spin completely over. It acts like the engine is locked up, but engine is NOT locked up.
Typical issue is valve lash is out of spec. Would start there first. Next would be hydrolocking. As is pulling the oil stick and smelling for fuel. Next test/check would be poor battery or control cables and connections slash voltage drops.
Then the starter gets warm/hot along with the cable end at starter.
Now we are onto something. Hot parts means current flow higher than normal. Something is not right here. You need to find out what. What I am reading into is that connection at starter end as you say. Clean, polish and or replace what is needed. This connection shouldn't get hot.
then hook the battery charger to the battery, and it will then spin over and crank every time and runs good. I'm thinking I may need a larger cranking Amp battery?? Any suggestions?
Thank you!
Battery needs load tested. Not talking about putting meter leads on her and reading 12.5 volts. One dead cell and she is all done. Auto parts stores will test for free.

Tiger Small Engine

Lawn Addict
Dec 7, 2022
Should of stated what you have TESTED. I'm listening to you so let's roll.

Typical issue is valve lash is out of spec. Would start there first. Next would be hydrolocking. As is pulling the oil stick and smelling for fuel. Next test/check would be poor battery or control cables and connections slash voltage drops.

Now we are onto something. Hot parts means current flow higher than normal. Something is not right here. You need to find out what. What I am reading into is that connection at starter end as you say. Clean, polish and or replace what is needed. This connection shouldn't get hot.

Battery needs load tested. Not talking about putting meter leads on her and reading 12.5 volts. One dead cell and she is all done. Auto parts stores will test for free.
If DL Carson has been self-employed for many years working on small engines, how does he not know how to approach and solve this problem?