Craftsman Rider dies


Active Member
Aug 11, 2022
So the problem might be the aftermarket carb. I would crack the nut on the fuel solenoid to see if gas dribbles out. You can then be sure fuel is making it to the bowl. Then check the float as bertrrr suggested.

Tiger Small Engine

Lawn Addict
Dec 7, 2022
So the problem might be the aftermarket carb. I would crack the nut on the fuel solenoid to see if gas dribbles out. You can then be sure fuel is making it to the bowl. Then check the float as bertrrr suggested.
It is always better to keep the original carburetor if possible (clean it), then to throw it in the trash and buy an aftermarket one. Rig up a temporary gas tank and see how it runs. Could be the fuel filter even though you don’t think it is. Take an air compressor and blow back through fuel line into gas tank with gas cap off. Float in carburetor could also be sticking as previously mentioned.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2021
Just throwing stuff at the wall now as you've exhausted nearly every possible thing, I think I would add some Marvel Mystery Oil to the gas tank and let it run through the system , it's going to smoke like hell for a while but maybe flush and lube all your inner workings in the system even new carbs can have little tiny ports that could be giving you heartburn

Also the E15 gasoline does not have as much Kick as regular fuel - lower octane less BTUs or whatever I had to run my machine partially choked just to keep it running and used twice as much fuel to cut the yard. I stay away from that garbage


Forum Newbie
May 6, 2023
I have had more trouble with those electric gas shut off solenoids. I have taken those off and plugged the hole. Plus I have removed the filters that you find in the bottom of the fuel tanks and put inline fuel filters in the system. What most people need to do before they buy a new carb is to get you a set of torch tip cleaners and clean every port in the carb. You may have to replace some welch plugs but you can find out real quick if the carb is bad.


Oct 30, 2016
I'd bet it's the fuel pump that took a crap... they do that. Also as others stated, coils go bad. They work 'till they get hot but it sounds like it's a fuel delivery issue. They are cheap... $10-30 online.


Forum Newbie
Sep 16, 2022
I had similar issues with a 2004 issue craftsman rider. I ended up removing the fuel shut off solenoid on the bottom of the carb and replacing with a bolt. The solenoid is designed to shut off fuel to the system when the ignition is shut off to prevent backfiring. Once I removed the solenoid no longer had any issues with it shutting down. Took me quite awhile to figure it out.


Oct 30, 2016
I had similar issues with a 2004 issue craftsman rider. I ended up removing the fuel shut off solenoid on the bottom of the carb and replacing with a bolt. The solenoid is designed to shut off fuel to the system when the ignition is shut off to prevent backfiring. Once I removed the solenoid no longer had any issues with it shutting down. Took me quite awhile to figure it out.
Or what most do is remove it, cut off the tip and reinstall. Same thing... I had a JD that years ago I called the dealer for a price... IIRC they wanted something like $300 for it. Just - for - the - part.


Forum Newbie
Sep 26, 2016
Or what most do is remove it, cut off the tip and reinstall. Same thing... I had a JD that years ago I called the dealer for a price... IIRC they wanted something like $300 for it. Just - for - the - part.
That is the problem and best solution. I don’t know anyone that has had a Craftsman that didn’t sooner or later experience this problem.


Active Member
May 16, 2023
Have a small craftsman riding mower with a problem that is beyond me....

Problem: It runs for 10 or 15 minutes then stops running then it wont start. I let it sit for 15 or 20 minutes and it will strat but will only run for another 10 or 15 minutes then stops running

What I did to try to fix? I had thought it must be the coil going bad seemed when it warms up it quits, sits for a bit cools down and it will start again. So I replaced the coil and spark plug still same problem so I turned my attention to the fuel system. Next time it quit I looked at the fuel filter and it was empty. I thought ok must be fuel tank outlet, fuel line plugged, or vent for tank plugged. I drained tank (it looked clean inside tank bottom). I ran a wire down the tank outlet then blew air through the fuel line into the tank. I also thought it may be a vent problem just to be sure I drilled a small hole in the tank cap and put a new fuel filter on. I then put new gas back in and disconnected the fuel line from the carb. Fuel flowed through the fuel line and filter, flow looked good so reattached the fuel line to carb started it up and could see fuel in the filter was dropping, looked like it was sucking gas faster than the fuel from the tank refilled the filter. Sure enough the filter emptied and the motor stopped. Once again I disconnected the fuel line from the carb and gas immediately came pouring out. So no signs of anything plugged.

I thought about this and thought maybe a vent in the carb is plugged and stopping the flow of gas from the tank. So I put a brand new carb on, lower the fuel line to let the filter fill and connected it back to the carb. But this did not help once the fuel filter got empty it died. So I have been through the electrical with new coil, spark plug and fuel system with new carb, fuel filter, blowing fuel line out all the way from just before fuel filter into tank, made sure tank is venting, and verified fuel moves freely through gas line and fuel filter by disconnecting fuel line from carb.

I don't have a clue what else I can do and why fuel does not flow through the line when connected to the carb. After the fuel filter empties out and it dies, by letting it sit fuel drips very slowly from the tank into the filter and it will start till the fuel filter is empty. Any ideas?
I had the same problem years ago. I discovered the line near the tank had become soft and would collapse. I replaced the fuel line and solved the problem.