Craftsman Rider dies


Sep 19, 2020
That is the problem and best solution. I don’t know anyone that has had a Craftsman that didn’t sooner or later experience this problem.
Considering craftsman used at least two different brand mower engines, which one had these issues?


Active Member
Jul 30, 2017
Have a small craftsman riding mower with a problem that is beyond me....

Problem: It runs for 10 or 15 minutes then stops running then it wont start. I let it sit for 15 or 20 minutes and it will strat but will only run for another 10 or 15 minutes then stops running
sounds like it's running rich. clogged air filter? when it dies, remove air filter and see if it starts and runs


Forum Newbie
Dec 16, 2018
This is a strange problem because if I read correctly you said that the fuel filter is going dry although the tank has a good vent drilled in it and has a clear outlet
I would suggest
1- that the tank be again removed and thoroughly washed out because that could be a piece of floating debris that air pushes to the side and as soon as it floats with gas it floats right back over the hole, If it was a metal tank I had one once and there was a lot of rust caught up behind a baffle in the tank there from sitting.
2-as others had said some fuel filters look OK and do not flow well as they may clog from the inside also make sure that you have the fuel filter in the right direction some look the same on both sides and do not have an arrow and they flow better in one direction and catch material on the inside or outside depending on the direction
3- Its possible is that you have a bad intake valve that’s pushing pressure on the compression stroke back into the carb and somehow pushing the gas back up the hose, do you hear any popping or is there a very rough run to the engine? Usually there’s a vent on the carb body going to the crank case but if that was clogged it just may push fuel back into the carb, try running it with the air filter assembly off And air filter deleted


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
Welcome to the wonderful world of mower/equipment repair!
Be well and keep at it!


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2012
Didn't understand what you did with the fuel solenoid. So, I'll just say, remove the solenoid.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2015
How long does the fuel run from the filter after you disconnect to test? Could be you are just draining the line & filter of fuel that has slowly filled it from the tank. If the tank outlet is getting clogged, or is clogged, it will allow slow feed of the fuel from the tank to the line to the filter to the line to the carb. That much fuel in the line & filter could run the engine for some time before lack due to a clogged tank outlet made the fuel level in the float bowl too low and the engine died.
I would remove the line from the inlet to the filter, and catch it in a container. It SHOULD flow, full diameter, as long as you want to leave it flow. I expect it will flow well for a short while, and then start to slow down as the clog restricts flow. Give it a time test rather than a quickie...


Forum Newbie
Aug 10, 2017
Years ago I had a similar problem with a JD mower, would run for an hour and just die. Give it a half hour off and it ran again...for an hour or so. After weeks of frustration and an $800 bill at the local JD dealer I finally found an older mechanic that said drop it off and I'll take a look. Before I got home he called and said it's ready to be picked up! Apparently the fuel line was old and getting soft...when it got just warm enough it collapsed on itself and choked off the fuel and hence the motor died. He replaced it and it ran perfectly ever after...for a case of beer!

Gord Baker

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
Have a small craftsman riding mower with a problem that is beyond me....

Problem: It runs for 10 or 15 minutes then stops running then it wont start. I let it sit for 15 or 20 minutes and it will strat but will only run for another 10 or 15 minutes then stops running

What I did to try to fix? I had thought it must be the coil going bad seemed when it warms up it quits, sits for a bit cools down and it will start again. So I replaced the coil and spark plug still same problem so I turned my attention to the fuel system. Next time it quit I looked at the fuel filter and it was empty. I thought ok must be fuel tank outlet, fuel line plugged, or vent for tank plugged. I drained tank (it looked clean inside tank bottom). I ran a wire down the tank outlet then blew air through the fuel line into the tank. I also thought it may be a vent problem just to be sure I drilled a small hole in the tank cap and put a new fuel filter on. I then put new gas back in and disconnected the fuel line from the carb. Fuel flowed through the fuel line and filter, flow looked good so reattached the fuel line to carb started it up and could see fuel in the filter was dropping, looked like it was sucking gas faster than the fuel from the tank refilled the filter. Sure enough the filter emptied and the motor stopped. Once again I disconnected the fuel line from the carb and gas immediately came pouring out. So no signs of anything plugged.

I thought about this and thought maybe a vent in the carb is plugged and stopping the flow of gas from the tank. So I put a brand new carb on, lower the fuel line to let the filter fill and connected it back to the carb. But this did not help once the fuel filter got empty it died. So I have been through the electrical with new coil, spark plug and fuel system with new carb, fuel filter, blowing fuel line out all the way from just before fuel filter into tank, made sure tank is venting, and verified fuel moves freely through gas line and fuel filter by disconnecting fuel line from carb.

I don't have a clue what else I can do and why fuel does not flow through the line when connected to the carb. After the fuel filter empties out and it dies, by letting it sit fuel drips very slowly from the tank into the filter and it will start till the fuel filter is empty. Any ideas?
You could try disconnecting the line that feeds the fuel filter and drain the tank. Then with the Fuel cap off, blow back through that line. Try a different NEW filter. I know you have done all that but try it again. Do you have a Fuel Pump or gravity feed? Try a temporary alternate tank and fuel line?


Apr 13, 2013
Maybe I missed it but did you replace all the fuel lines from the tank to the carb. Ethenol will eat the line and cause flaps to form inside the line, also make sure the tank outlet fitting or valve is not blocked. If your system does NOT have a fuel pump or pulse pump you cannot use the filters with paper inside of them you have to use the small filters with mesh. If you have a pulse pump the will NOT pull fuel they will only push fuel so you have to get fuel to them so if there is air leakage somewhere in the line the will work for a while and then LOOSE prime.


Aug 15, 2022
Take the fuel system out of the loop entirely. I keep a spare small tank handy for testing. Plug that in and test again. You will confirm if it is the fuel system if it works with alternate fuel tank.