Around 2/3 are carb problems and of them another 2/3 are gummed up from old fuel .
The other 1/3 are nearly all bad tank vents / caps
Just doesn't add up right too me...Maybe new math that i don't understand. I come up with 5/3 thirds (1-2/3).
Either way can't fix them when you can't get the needed parts. I had to kill three Poulans today due being able to get the needed parts. Something changed at Husqvarna as the saws I was able to repair just two years ago are now unrepairable as they are NLA a lot of the parts. Today was a crankcase, fuel/oil caps, and chain brake assembly.
One with the crankcase is where someone tighten down the bar so much it screwed up the bar mount. One missing both caps. And the other again need a chain brake where tighten down with bar adjuster out of place.
We are back to the throwaway attitude of OEMs