(Censored) Jury Duty


Lawn Addict
May 14, 2010
They can only strike so many and they eventually have to settle for what they precipice is their best shot...
So all in all... it works... And almost any case is interesting once you get into it...
Some attorneys are better than others and some presentations are better than others. Al in all the process can be very interesting for those that get the chance to participate...:smile:KennyV

We are very happy that the court called us yesterday afternoon and told her she didn't have to appear after all...interesting presentation or not my wife is glad she doesn't have to serve this time.


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2010
I have never been selected for Jury Duty. My neighbor once was but has to be removed because the case was too close to her. I am not sure I would like Jury Duty.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2010
I have served 4 times and been summoned 4 more. The last 2 times they got letters saying I would not serve because they will not allow cellphones and I can't be without one as it is my only link to my handicapped wife. They sent me letters of understanding and excused me. Now I'm wondering WHY I'm still getting letters? It's not as if I haven't done my duty, and that crap about it being totally random is just that, CRAP! 8 times for me when I know several people that have never served even once? My own brother is five years older than me and has never been summoned! Don't ever let anybody tell you it's random, because that's pure BS! The last 2 times for me were the best. The fifth time, we had a bomb scare when I was lined up waiting to go into the courtroom. After the building was cleared we were told to be seated again. They chose another jury! Got away with that one and was excused to go back home a little after lunch. The sixth time was in my own city for a change! My name wasn't called, however, and I skipped on that one as well, but it was nice being in my own city instead of going to the hole called Detroit, where I usually am. I will never serve again.


Lawn Addict
May 14, 2010
I have served 4 times and been summoned 4 more. The last 2 times they got letters saying I would not serve because they will not allow cellphones and I can't be without one as it is my only link to my handicapped wife. They sent me letters of understanding and excused me. Now I'm wondering WHY I'm still getting letters? It's not as if I haven't done my duty, and that crap about it being totally random is just that, CRAP! 8 times for me when I know several people that have never served even once? My own brother is five years older than me and has never been summoned! Don't ever let anybody tell you it's random, because that's pure BS! The last 2 times for me were the best. The fifth time, we had a bomb scare when I was lined up waiting to go into the courtroom. After the building was cleared we were told to be seated again. They chose another jury! Got away with that one and was excused to go back home a little after lunch. The sixth time was in my own city for a change! My name wasn't called, however, and I skipped on that one as well, but it was nice being in my own city instead of going to the hole called Detroit, where I usually am. I will never serve again.

My feelings are, once someone has served two or three times they should be permanently exempt for jury duty the rest of their lives. I was summoned about 20 years ago but was excused because my hearing is so poor. My wife has served once, about ten years ago, but was required to register twice in recent years for two different courts, neither of which called her in.


Feb 19, 2011
Some of them actually might be, I have heard of this a few times esp. in the smaller towns. Up north with my family my nieces have been called more than I have or their mom. Its just crazy though, you would think after all this time the courts are somewhat organized!


Lawn Addict
May 5, 2010
"driving 70 miles one-way to get to the courthouse" :thumbdown: :frown:

Now that is unreasonable ! I haven't had any bad experience, but driving that distance would tick me off too.

All I can say is the first time she is asked any questions she sould point that out and let them know it will influence her attitude about any case she is called on to serve for.