Cleaning the cooling fins is a yearly maintenance item in your engine manual for ALL MOWER ENGINES. Neglect this and you are looking at engine damage $$$.A rat/mouse had made a nest in the ducting area above one cylinder.
That is a Briggs engine and belongs here in the Briggs section.Should I of posted this in the craftsman sub folder as apposed to here?
Arrow is oriented correctly... i triple checked.Is that fuel filter installed backwards?
Should be some arrows on the clear part showing proper mounting direction.
i pressure wash "my units" at least every other mowing.... i did state that i just got it for under $200 as a planned parts mower.Cleaning the cooling fins is a yearly maintenance item in your engine manual for ALL MOWER ENGINES. Neglect this and you are looking at engine damage $$$.
(_) 1st thing to do for my homework this week.First thing you need to check, is the float level set properly and is the float needle and seat working properly together to shut off the amount of fuel entering the carb.
Applaud the cleaning effort. The water is the issue I have (rust). Bad idea using a power washer.i pressure wash "my units" at least every other mowing
Makes no difference except the crud will be inside the the element thus hard to see .Is that fuel filter installed backwards?
Should be some arrows on the clear part showing proper mounting direction.
Stop doing thisi pressure wash "my units" at least every other mowing.... i did state that i just got it for under $200 as a planned parts mower.
Now to your problem which I think is blow back through the carb, if the "fuel fountain" is actually coming out of the carb throat & not the breather hose next to it.
If it is coming out the carb then the most likely cause is an inlet valve staying open
Stuck valve, bent valve, shifted valve guide or just too little valve lash.
If it is coming out the breather then
Blown head gasket
If blown head gasket, that can be caused by bad float allowing engine to fill up with fuel which of course will not compress .
long ago was taught to keep the engine bay clean. that way you take notice of any leak or other issue ALOT sooner.Applaud the cleaning effort. The water is the issue I have (rust).
Sheit, at least you are cleaning yours LOL. Blast away. Clean the top of the engine block too.
so both you and @bertsmobile1 point to checking the valves and the ignition timing marks....This kind of fuel back fogging out the carb is excessive valve overlap "cam timing" or late ignition timing. Check flywheel key.
View attachment 57552
I guess the "Carb throat" you speak of would = the "Red circle" i drew then, yes?
*feels new enough, its reasonably flexible and the screw down clamps do their job with no fuel leaking out at the clamps.How new is the fuel line?
Alright, @hlw49 , @Scrubcadet10 & @bertsmobile1 I'm gonna say here early... before i goto bed.Excellent,
Now we are getting some where
The "brass straw" ( blue arrow) is the air vent .
In order for fuel to come out of a carb bowl, air has to get in.
When we had fewer idiots in government and more people who understood things, carburettors had overflows that dripped out of a tube under the engine so you could see from 100' away that the bowl was overflowing.
Now this has to be internal so they overflow through the air vent like yours is doing.
So first job is to remove the carburettor and fix the float valve that is not cutting off the fuel supply.
There were a couple of 1/2 decient you tube links to sites that are good enough.
If the float is cutting off the fuel then we need to look at what is causing the fuel line to be over pressurised .
Next problem
Fuel mist coming out of the carb throat , Red circle .
When the piston gets to the end of the intake stroke it rises a bit before the inlet valve closes .
If the inlet valve does not close fully as the piston rises it will pump most of the fuel that was in the cylinder back out through the carburettor .
It is usual to see a a little of this particulalry at cranking speeds because there is a mechanism that holds the inlet open a bit longer at low speeds to decompress the engine so the starter can crank it fast enough to start.
For the above mentioned idiot law makers, in the old days they held the exhaust open.
Now days they hold the inlet open so in theory the gas goes backwards through the carb and then get sucked back into the engine on the next stroke.
In practice this does not happen, but don't tell the pen pushing experts this .
SO you have a couple of likely suspects hear.
1) failed ACR ( automatic Compression Release ) fairly rare
2) inlet valve hanging open , fairly common
Usual reasons for No 2 were outlined back in the previous post .
If you have no idea how to check these things then tell us.
Plenty here quite willing to walk you through the processes just so long as we know what you need to know.
Find the service manual and download it from here? PDF? Unless one of y'all can give me a shortcut link?
New means nothing. Seen several new parts be dead in the box.but with a new carb that should not be the issue
I guess anything's possible, but I'd think it'd be rare to find a new needle/float assembly that's sticking right out of the box.New means nothing. Seen several new parts be dead in the box.
It's maybe not necessary to add this,but just recently my 4 stroke outboard Yamaha was flooding over just as this instance here. Sometimes flood over,sometimes not. A very experienced engine(I thought I was @ 72!) mechanic told me to always run the carb dry to keep the needle tip away from the seat. Keeping the carb bowl full for weeks on end will 'ring' the rubber tip,resulting in possible not sealing properly,resulting in the intermittent overflow. He said I didn't need a kit,just a needle and bowl gasket. End of story,this fixed the intermittent overflow issue.As anyone who's had flooding from their carb, the first thought might always be an old needle sticking, but with a new carb that should not be the issue. I've had old carbs sticking like that and I'd just tap the bowl while running and that would free it up then, but you knew you had to pull it apart to clean it up properly. It'll be interesting to see what you come up with in the end. I love taking something that doesn't work, troubleshooting and fixing - that's satisfaction. Best of luck with it.
Well' fwiw,It's maybe not necessary to add this,but just recently my 4 stroke outboard Yamaha was flooding over just as this instance here. Sometimes flood over,sometimes not. A very experienced engine(I thought I was @ 72!) mechanic told me to always run the carb dry to keep the needle tip away from the seat. Keeping the carb bowl full for weeks on end will 'ring' the rubber tip,resulting in possible not sealing properly,resulting in the intermittent overflow. He said I didn't need a kit,just a needle and bowl gasket. End of story,this fixed the intermittent overflow issue.
Sounds like the US Army. Dummy cording everything so not to lose gear.some people get smart and put their mower key on a chain, and loop it to where you have to remove the engine oil dipstick to get the key to start it.
That oil's junk....Sounds like the US Army. Dummy cording everything so not to lose gear.
Takes all of 34 seconds to check the oil prior to mowing. Takes me longer as I need my glasses to see my shiny clean and clear Supertech SG rated SAE30 oil.
I have to agree with every bit of this. My Yamaha 15hp 4 stroke is a 2000 model year engine. In the 20 years since new,I've never had an issue with the carb. This last year,the marina where my boat is berthed has been unable to get any fuel that wasn't at least 10% ethanol. I think that's the origin of my carb issues this Spring. While my new needle may be ethanol resistant, I'm still going to unplug the fuel line and run it dry from now on.Well' fwiw,
Between 1976 till about 2011/13?? all my Wheel Horses (3) Kohlers and my (2) Snapper self propels with Briggs sat all winter long with fuel in their carbs. Within a year or two after Ethanol going to 10% "all" of their needle/seats had been upgraded to the newer versions that withstand the ethanol fuel.
Since then I run my tractors dry and use Sta-bil too when stored over a month even. I had never changed even one needle/seat in over 3 decades and never ran one dry. I never once experienced fuel in my oil, not one carb issue at all, not even a slow start in over 30 springs, but then the fuel corps added crapolla to all our fuels and so it all began.
I ran Ethanol free pump fuel until it got impossible to locate around here. Buying it off the shelf now would actually cost me more than replacing the entire carbs on them every spring mowing over 2.5 acres. Besides, I've had no issues at all since upgrading all their needle/seats. I still wouldn't let one sit long with fuel in the carb.
The issue I've seen is the old rubber needle tips swell/deform with ethanol so they won't slide up/down inside the carb right or fit inside the seat to seal off the fuel as it should. Then the engine just fills up with fuel when it sits. I've personally seen a couple friends with gravity fed mowers (without fuel pumps) with bent/broken connecting rods because the cylinder was so full of fuel. One was a very nice older Deere with only 66hrs on it. The owner simply failed to check the oil level on their first spring startup or they'd noticed it was full of gas. They just hopped on their mower, started their engine and bam, got a very rude awakening!
Then called me wanting to know whats wrong with their mower?
Answer: Sadly, in the end its the mowers owner.
I have trouble in the off season winter. Drain fuel tanks and carbs. Next season I have to replace fuel lines. Seem to dry out and get hard over the winter.I'm going to unplug the fuel line and run it dry from now on.
I always mix in the required amount of Sta-bil per gallon just,well,just because of the crap we have to buy to burn in our equipment these days. The refinery near where I live has been producing ethanol-free gasoline for small engines and a few stations have it. It is super expensive per gallon,though. $4.00 or so a gallon. I do buy it for all my small gas equipment,trimmers and chain saws,etc.I have trouble in the off season winter. Drain fuel tanks and carbs. Next season I have to replace fuel lines. Seem to dry out and get hard over the winter.
Run Stabil year round, never worry about it. First pulls nearly on all machines. ?????
I bet thanks to Sleepy Joe Biden and the Democraps.It is super expensive per gallon,though. $4.00 or so a gallon
Not here in Oklahoma. Most people here don't work at all. Everyday is like school is out and let's go driving around. Traffic is still high here no matter the time of day.Year ago we had 50% less drivers on the road due to the pandemic. We used less fuel so industry reduced production.
Speak for yourself. I haven't received a single penny of the promise stimulus money. The first time I went again an invested the money that I was to get in my company but at least when the last promises were made I refused to dig deeper in debt until I actually get the money.Not here in Oklahoma. Most people here don't work at all. Everyday is like school is out and let's go driving around. Traffic is still high here no matter the time of day.
Guess all this free lunch program money and welfare cash, why get a real job? People are making more money off free government hand-outs than working.
Maybe at the start of covid there were less drivers out being super spreaders. Now it's masks off and party time.
I got all three checks in quick fashion. Course I file my taxes yearly.Speak for yourself. I haven't received a single penny of the promise stimulus money. The first time I went again an invested the money that I was to get in my company but at least when the last promises were made I refused to dig deeper in debt until I actually get the money.
Oh they said if you didn't get the money file your taxes and we'll send the money. Well still nothing. Tried calling but can't even get a real person on the phone form the IRS. So if I don't get it by next tax season they are just getting my paperwork without a d*** payment included.
You have to file your federal taxes in order to get the checks. They check to see if you filed or not and dispense checks accordingly.Speak for yourself. I haven't received a single penny of the promise stimulus money. The first time I went again an invested the money that I was to get in my company but at least when the last promises were made I refused to dig deeper in debt until I actually get the money.
Oh they said if you didn't get the money file your taxes and we'll send the money. Well still nothing. Tried calling but can't even get a real person on the phone form the IRS. So if I don't get it by next tax season they are just getting my paperwork without a d*** payment included.
Star you can’t have it both ways. You dont want to pay federal taxes, but you want the government to pay you? Why should I and millions of others who pay their taxes and social security give money to those who refuse to do so. We may not like the rules or laws, but we still must follow them. In this case it helped us get a stimulus check.
Rivets and Slomo STOP assuming that I haven't filed my damn taxes. It is the IRS that don't want to pay me what is owed.You have to file your federal taxes in order to get the checks. They check to see if you filed or not and dispense checks accordingly.
i see quite a few chinese copies of the briggs shut offs that leak, usually around the red lever portionYes the one with the ringed tip will leak. Some will that take a 10x loupe to see the ringing. And those shut off valve do leak too. I got a LX178 in the shop right now that the shut off valve is leaking.
older Green Craftsman riding mower : 917. 289081
hydrostatic tranny
has a 42" deck like the manual i downloaded says but, the sticker under the hood says it came with a 46"?
19.5HP B&S I/C "Turbo Cool" twin cylinder motor
Model #42E707 TYPE #2631 E1 CODE #9906085B
I did the search in here before starting this thread for "42E707 carb" and came up with 2 pages... read them all and realized none was close to my situation.
Acquired it a couple months ago for under $200 (forgot how close to 150) and planned to use it for parts for the other 3 i have.
Turns out I only snagged the ignition switch for now.....
The previous "owner" said it would start and run for a short bit then die. Said he killed the battery and gave up because it wouldn't stay running.
I took it home. Pressure washed the bee-jeebus out of it 1st!
Then took the whole engine airflow cover off of it & the carb filter assembly cover off too. A rat/mouse had made a nest in the ducting area above one cylinder. Thankfully no wires chewed or damaged. Once I had desulfided that battery it was ready to test start.
Holy cow, it was pumping fuel into the intake pipe like it was a drinking fountain. sure it did start and ran for a bit but, i turned it off due to the fuel being blown up out the intake like a fountain of fog getting everything wet.
My 1st thought, carb cleaner stat! Thankfully I was starting with an empty fuel tank when I got it home. The fuel had the proper amount of Sta-Bil in it and was a whopping 2-3 days old when I had time to do this 1st round of starting.
So thats what I did. twice 24 hours apart, just incase i missed anything the 1st time before reassembling.
Next day, tried to start it again.... same effect - fountain of fuel fog.
disassemble and really, clean the heck outta the carb one last time. then went to look on amazon for what a replacement carb , carb rebuild kit, or combo kits would cost. Time delay. Mower sat for a week with no touching it while I finished up 2 of the others. Got them done and stable.
desided to just get the carb,filters and a fuel cutoff valve combo kit & a new ignition with keys. That all arrived friday. Yesterday I swapped out the carb, filters and installed the shutoff valve. Fired it up and that new carb did the exact same fountain of fog and fuel dumping into the intake like a drinking fountain.
Now for the pics and the last detail. This is a 4 screw fuel pump design.
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here are a few pics of the new carb and the 2 screenshots from the 19MB, 10 second video i made.
View attachment 57542
View attachment 57543
So heres the question. What is causing both of the carbs (original and new) to dump fuel into the intake like a drinking fountain getting everything absolutely soaked?
What more pics or tests should I do for y'alls wisdom to help solve this?
Should I of posted this in the craftsman sub folder as apposed to here?
Not my first rodeo. Not my first forum. However, I believe this is my first request for help here....
Been a member to the Sister forum TractorByNet for quite some time and even longer in MANY other forums; back 1996 for the likes of Subaru forums. I tend to use the same user ID across the boards. Ocasionally a slight spelling difference.
I hope the OP still isn't with him...Elvis has left the building. Guess he took the OP with him.
Dude checked out couple pages ago. Viva Viva Las Vegas.........I hope the OP still isn't with him...
(giggles) Yeah, "Elvis sure as heck left the building, forum & state" from the looks of things....Just reading some of the comments near the end: wow, it took a bit of a turn there for a while with things like stimulus check discussions - LOL. Would love to see the before pics. Looks like you really got that thing cleaned up with the pressure washing. I never really pressure wash engines as I've always been afraid to get water where it's not supposed to go, but I'll blast it with air.
So... have you made any progress on the problem with gas flow?
okay this great for my other mower. alas the mower of this thread is a TWIN cylinder and the valves are inverted to the design of this block. *AS I just updated from finally getting to look at one head the other day, the valves are up-side-down from this manuals details.
What engine you got? model number plzas for right this moment? I'm hunting for that PDF i thought I downloaded from here on the manual to check the vavle clearances with the feeler gauge.... now that found the gauge.
@dougand3 and @slomo ....i have downloaded. opened & printed off specific pages.....Thanks guys.... oh and slomo, i don't have a scribe account but, found a screenshot *work-around*....Yours is an opposed twin. This manual is older but should be close: