Can I swap a Hydro Gear ZT2200 for a ZT3100 on a Cub Cadet RZT 50

Gary Ijngram

Forum Newbie
Apr 6, 2020
  • / Can I swap a Hydro Gear ZT2200 for a ZT3100 on a Cub Cadet RZT 50
My Cub Cadet RZT 50 (ZT2200) trannies have failed. I want to upgrade to heavier transmission ZT3100. Will the ZT3100 fit?


Forum Newbie
Dec 6, 2022
  • / Can I swap a Hydro Gear ZT2200 for a ZT3100 on a Cub Cadet RZT 50
I have a 2021 Cub ZT 1 and want to do the same thing. have you got any information.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
  • / Can I swap a Hydro Gear ZT2200 for a ZT3100 on a Cub Cadet RZT 50
the bigger diameter axels usually have mounting points spaced further apart
And then there is the other bits in the number what comes after the - describes what types of controls are attached where


Forum Newbie
Dec 6, 2022
  • / Can I swap a Hydro Gear ZT2200 for a ZT3100 on a Cub Cadet RZT 50
Thanks. You are the first person to give me an answer. I know in 2021 the Cub ZT 1 uses a EZT 2200, the ZT 2 uses a ZT 2800 and the ZT 3 uses a ZT 3100. All of those trans have a one inch axle and they all seem to connect to the lap bars the same way. They all use the same frame. I don't want to trade up since I have my ZT 1 the way I want it. I just want to up grade the trans because I'm working at the gross weight for the 2200's.I use this for a lot more than cutting grass,(grade a good size gravel drive, plow snow on the same drive and occasionally to finish grade top soil.
I didn't think Cub Cadet would have three different mounting points on the same frame. Any additional info would be appreciated.
Thanks again


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
  • / Can I swap a Hydro Gear ZT2200 for a ZT3100 on a Cub Cadet RZT 50
As mention the problem is finding the right configuration.

Several different fan setups.

Some have internal brakes, disc brakes, or cog brakes. The cog brakes comes in several different setups. And they all have different ways of engaging/disengaging the brakes.

Some have control arm setups.

So the simple answer is not a simple answer as there are a lot variables and some will require other parts to be change out. If we had the actual model numbers then we can look up the differences.



Forum Newbie
Dec 6, 2022
  • / Can I swap a Hydro Gear ZT2200 for a ZT3100 on a Cub Cadet RZT 50
Do you need the model numbers of the trans or the zero turns?


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
  • / Can I swap a Hydro Gear ZT2200 for a ZT3100 on a Cub Cadet RZT 50
As mention the problem is finding the right configuration.

Several different fan setups.

Some have internal brakes, disc brakes, or cog brakes. The cog brakes comes in several different setups. And they all have different ways of engaging/disengaging the brakes.

Some have control arm setups.

So the simple answer is not a simple answer as there are a lot variables and some will require other parts to be change out. If we had the actual model numbers then we can look up the differences.

View attachment 62921
As Star mentioned we need the model number off the bar code decal on the transmission and you need the same thing unless you buy one through Cub Cadet or second hand off an old Cub .
The other way is to get the parts books for both models then check that everything which is attached to the transmission has the same CC part number .
Some may interchange & some may not
Chances are you can swap the two CC trannies but that assumes you are buying one speced to CC requirements
That being said. internally they will be the same so it might just come to your ability to fabricate bits .
Things that can be a disaster are bypass valves ( personal experience on this one ) that become unable to be reached .
Electronic to mechanical brake activation


Forum Newbie
Mar 31, 2023
  • / Can I swap a Hydro Gear ZT2200 for a ZT3100 on a Cub Cadet RZT 50
Thanks. You are the first person to give me an answer. I know in 2021 the Cub ZT 1 uses a EZT 2200, the ZT 2 uses a ZT 2800 and the ZT 3 uses a ZT 3100. All of those trans have a one inch axle and they all seem to connect to the lap bars the same way. They all use the same frame. I don't want to trade up since I have my ZT 1 the way I want it. I just want to up grade the trans because I'm working at the gross weight for the 2200's.I use this for a lot more than cutting grass,(grade a good size gravel drive, plow snow on the same drive and occasionally to finish grade top soil.
I didn't think Cub Cadet would have three different mounting points on the same frame. Any additional info would be appreciated.
Thanks again
If you go to a tractor supply store and look at the latest $7,000 Cub cadet I don't even know what it's called ZT3 maybe It has a 3100s already mounted to it It looks to me like those cases will drop right on the older rops rzt 40 thru at least 54 I have the same mower and them sourcing the transmissions right now It's the only real gripe with the whole mower I've ever had that transmissions have been week since the day the mower sat on the ground the first time was a terrible experience that's the only thing that keeps me from using this mower after 45 minutes it's hot enough and it just goes in circles It is a sad situation and anybody or anyone making mowers with cheap transmissions like this ought to be taken out to the wood pile and beat to near death absolutely horrible situation even hustler has done this this is why I don't buy any of these products bad boy all of them have succumbed to making cheap junk but yes you can get the ZT 31 even 3400s could easily fit I'm not sure about what everybody's talking about the fan configurations but they don't change very much All of them I see sit right about in the same place so unless I'm hitting the books and looking for real weird proprietary ZTEs made and built for certain companies I wouldn't think this would be a problem You look at things from the 5400 down to the 3000 series and the cases look almost identical The fans might be a slightly larger diameter possibly but not much think you're talking a few millimeters here at best which would still spin in the same space on the cub what are the Cub fans like 6 in maybe eight and there's room above them so if they were a few millimeters larger diameter they would still spin and pull air from the hole. Most all cubs in this series the brakes the levers and all that connect the same I don't really even care about permanent break I care about going forward and backwards without delaying problems stopping is the least of it.


Active Member
May 28, 2014
  • / Can I swap a Hydro Gear ZT2200 for a ZT3100 on a Cub Cadet RZT 50
I don't know if you figured out your hydro problem. The HydroGear website has a lot of info. It would probably make sense to ask them.


Forum Newbie
Mar 31, 2023
  • / Can I swap a Hydro Gear ZT2200 for a ZT3100 on a Cub Cadet RZT 50
I don't know if you figured out your hydro problem. The HydroGear website has a lot of info. It would probably make sense to ask them.
I don't think there's a lot of ass the ZT and XT 2200s are just throwaways well if you're smart they're throwaways and then you do something else like here where the next step would be to go out and buy $6,000 ZT28 to 3400 mower whatever it is there's a whole lot of ways to play the game I'm not really in the business so to speak the hydro gear website didn't really offer a lot in the hydrogear people are dead set against anything because of course they want you to buy a new mower with their transmissions on them but it's all good I think I'm pretty well got it squared away then you should see you can buy these hydro gear transmission sets reasonably and expensively too if you're careful