When the adds were static they loaded quickly
Now they are dynamic so they take a long time to load and the tiny routines to make the adds move & chage theem hy-jacks the processor continually.
every time the add changes on the page the server interrogates ( snoops ) your cashe & history in order to place the add you are most likely to read.'All of this take time & uses up download allocations .
Good logic behind it and probably works well on a brand new state of art computer with 10Gb+ of rams , SSD hard drives and multiple multi core processors runningat astronomical speeds that the computer wankers play with .
Some of the scripts that were really bogging my computer down were trying to access Microsoft Tool Box routines , which not being a Windoze box it could no find so it went into an endless loop till I eventually terminated the script at which time the browser generally crashed .