So I am at 240 hours apx use and its still kicking strong.
I need to find a better set of wheels these are garbage the new ones I bought are already almost worn down I am not spending 40 dollars a month on wheels. It does need a new belt soon I see signs of freying otherwise its still treating me well. It did fantastic with wet grass
360 hours and now I need help. Can't seem to find a new belt there are lots of them on amazon but none for my specific model mine is hrr2168vka or vya don't remember the smart drive one. Someone have a link to amazon belt or will any hrr belt work?
Also I need new wheels again.... ugh home depot has them but they are expensive to replace everymonth so I need a better solution or a better source?
The front wheel quarter mounts got loose a well placed washer fixed that right up but I see that becoming a problem in the future. Everything else is working and running beautifully and am still more than happy with the 160cc engine