Ok I’ll check the grounds tomorrow morning. I did test the switch. Everything tested good except for S to B which I though would have continuity with the key on. It does make continuity when the key is turned to start.
is that correct for the charging?
That is right, the S sends a signal to the starter motor to spin so it is only energized when the key is in the S position, just the same an automobile.
Most mowers are wired basically the same but it is always useful to get your hands on a wiring schematic cause they all like to do the same thing differently.
So we can help you we need to know the Bad Boy model & serial numbers.
I only have one Bad Boy in my service run & all I have ever done for the customer is change belts so I have no idea where BB put their wiring diagrams or if they are available outside their dealer network at all.
The only other thing that needs power for the engine to run is the carb solenoid and usually that is on the A or L terminal on the key switch.
We also all do things differently &I like to bypass all of the safety switches one at a time using short jumpers on the plugs to mimick the switch.
All of them a simple sliding contact switches making or braking contact on the flat sides of the pins.
Nearly all of them are ground switching which seems to confuse most home mechanics.
Be careful not to bridge any plug diagonally as any voltage accidentally send down the kill wire will blow the timing chip
I usually pull the kill wire just to be on the safe side & if looking for a kill wire problem set up a test lamp between the + battery terminal & the kill wire.
Only 2 things that will stop the engine electrically
1) ground on the kill wire
2) no voltage on the carb solenoid wire
BEcause of all of the 1/2 wit idiot morons on U tube advocating the removal of the seat switch, the newer ones have a bridging contact concealed within the plug so if you unplug it the engine gets a kill signal.