Hi Folks,
Have a circa 1991 130212-3250-01 (code 91061910) 5HP horizontal shaft engine (happens to be mounted to a chipper-shredder). Pull start rope: zero compression (based on pull feel - no 'stack up'). Pulled head; both valves stuck open. Freed up exhaust easily, and it cycles and seals well, and 'in time.' Intake, however took a LOT more to free up (penetrating oil, soft-faced hammer, many cycles of open, tap down, open, tap down; evidence of water corrosion) until it was moving easily. Put head back on and tested; still zero compression.
Pulled head again, this time noticed that the intake is opening when it should (few degrees before TDC at end of exhaust stroke), stays open until piston reaches bottom, and as it 'turns the corner' and just begins to head back up, it *seems* to close... but it isn't fully seated; it's easily rotated with twisting thumb pressure atop the valve. It remains easily rotated until the piston is just about an inch from TDC/compression stroke, and only then does it seat sufficiently that it can't be twisted with thumb pressure.
Hmmm. Pulled valve springs/keepers, pulled valves (yucky), and cleaned up with a wire wheel. Cleaned seats with hand-drill mounted wire wheel. Lapped intake valve until valve and seat showed a good sealing band. Went to put spring/keeper back on, and noticed that the exhaust valve spring is not only a thicker gauge wire, but must also be compressed slightly by hand before it can be introduced into the tappet box. The INTAKE valve spring is a lighter gauge, and sitting on the floor of the tappet box, is about 3/8" from the 'ceiling' of the tappet box... sits *much* shorter than the exhaust valve. Seems weak by comparison, too.
Anyway, spun the starter again, and the intake valve is doing the same thing: seemingly opening and closing when it should, but when 'closed' it's not a firm closure, easily rotated until piston is approaching TDC.
Have not yet checked tappet clearances along intake valve travel cycle; I'd like to verify that the spring is normal; if it's supposed to be 'tall' like the exhaust, I'll just order another spring before proceeding any further. Related question: is it a bad idea to just install an exhaust spring on the intake valve to get a tighter seal? Oh... come to think of it, maybe I should put the exhaust spring on the intake and see if that solves my problem!
Anyway, thanks for reading and any input you may share!