Here in the USA? Safer.
Apparently you don't have people inclined to commit mass murder. Much the same as in Switzerland, where virtually everyone is armed. Two completely different approaches but the same result.
No one in the USA commits murder because they're compelled by guns to do so. They commit murder because they want to and if guns weren't available, they'd still find a way.
Quite right but some one committed to a random mass attack down here can not go get his AK 47 off the shelf behind the door then let fly with a dozen magazines.
That limits them to things like knives and a throwing knife has an effective range of around 20 yards and a hand knife an arms reach + the weapons length.
In most cases they can be disarmed with little more than your shirt if you know how to do it.
A pistol has an effective range of 50+ yards and long arms up to 1000 yards and in reality can only be stopped with a bullet .
Unlike what is glorified in almost every USA cop show, bullets flying around injure & kill lots of bystanders and a tiny fragment of a shell is quite capable of killing.
The person who died in the Lint Cafe shooting was hit with a 3gram fragment of a hard cased projectile.
She was in the operating theatre within 6 minutes of being shot but too much damage had been done to save her.
If I get upset with my boss I can not go home grab 3 rifles 2 shotguns and a 1/2 dozen handguns then go back to work and let loose on everyone in sight.
If my son feels humiliated at school he can not come home grab my gun the shoot up his teacher and all the other kids who laughed at him .
I can go to a nightclub with some friends who are homosexual without the fear that some religious nutter will jump onto the sage then let fly with multiple assult weapons till he runs out of ammo claiming "the Lord made me do it".
People are resourceful, as the McDonalds Chain Saw massacre proved and will use any weapon at hand so keeping firearms further away from them can only be a good idea.
I don't know if the NRA puts pressure on your media not to report shootings but I can not remember a single week where our news has not covered a mass or at least multiple shooting some where in the USA.
Now you lot got 10 times the people we have down here butt you could count the number of random shootings each year on the little fingers of one hand.
So no a firearm has never jumped out of the rack, grabbed it's owner and forced him go shoot passes by.
And by the same token, if that rife arm was locked away and the owner needed to get 2 other people to access that fire arm he is unlikely to go shoot passers by either.\
Americans can come to Australia and go joging without the fear that a random stranger will go past and shoot them
However Australians can not do the same in the USA , proven by the fact that last year 2 Aussies were shot by white middle class Americans for no apparent reason.
Not robbed, totally unknown to the killers who just shot them to find out what it feels like to shoot some one.
I actually have nothing against private fire arm ownership
I do have a problem with a hot head having a pistol in his glove box who is likely to pull it out & shoot you because he thought you cut him off on the freeway.
And I can not see any need for military grade firearms in private hands.
In a country with a lot of man eating animals like cougars, bears etc, I can see the need for hunters to have sem-automatics.
I have no problem with weapons collectors even to have an arsonnal of ex-military weapons, just so long as there are restriction to them accessing them when they are in an unfit mental condition.