Are Raptor SD blades level? (deck leveling question)


May 19, 2014
  • / Are Raptor SD blades level? (deck leveling question)
That's good that you can read up on this.

Once you stripe a lawn the light and dark stripes will be there no matter where the sun is. They are even there at night.
You can read all you want about what the manufacturer tells you. They all claim to know best.

You might no know anyone that heels the deck but around here that's how we do it.
Even on the golf course we heeled the decks on the toro grounds master. That is where I learned to do it.

There are some brand mowers that the manual will tell you how to heel the deck.
People have been doing it for years and many on here have tried it and stayed with it.

I have plenty of pics from a few years ago.
When you can cut 4 foot tall weeds and stripe it let me know.

View attachment 21875

Now now, no need for that! I obviously wrote all that out before adding the link etc. Sometimes its good to have something to back up what you already know besides, they explained it much better than I did! Now, if anyone searches on here about striping, they can get real facts!

Stripes are there no matter what time of day, yes, your correct but why is that? It because the grass is bent! Which line is green will depend on which way your looking at it at a time of day! If the suns behind you, the stripe will stand out more, or are you disagreeing with me on that?
Your lawns look very nice, no doubt about that but which ones look the best? Answer, the ones with the sun behind you when you took the pic! The shade from trees, the photographer etc is a dead give away!
I bet the ones that are in complete shade (which does negate the sun to a certain extent) would stand out much more had the sun been out. They do look good all the same I'll give you that!!

I have no doubt some people heel the deck, like yourself but have you actually or anyone, really tested it on the same day?
Look, its well worth trying out these things no doubt but you have home owners get on here and dont know any better. Its on the internet, it must be true! I can imagine dealers scratching there heads thinking, WTF's going on with these people wanting these adjustments!

As far as the cut down from 4' (feet mind you) to whats in that pic, I would like to see the before pic! Im going to call a big BS on that and I'll tell you why! I dont know of ANY grass that puts out 4' leaf without the stolon or stem right behind it. What is that grass? St Aug or something?
If that was 4 feet as you say, it would be scalped to hell but beyond that, St Aug or any lawn grass getting 4' tall is complete BS! 4 feet, please!!!!

Wanna see 4', actually, more like 6' in places and not spindly stuff but thick, dense matted stuff. No stripes here but this is what cutting truly long grass looks like..

long2.jpgSZ 017.jpg

But ok, lets say you messed up and ment this pic
I could certainly do as well as that without heeling the deck! Just standard deck setting! Unfortunately I dont have pics to prove it so theres a way to have a go back!! But lets look at your pic. I see a lot of green there. If that was truly all 4' tall as you claim then it would be scalped. I dont call a lawn X high because of a few weeds. Its much harder to cut super thick grass than tall spindly stuff!
But Ive included before and after pic of a lawn below. This grass wasnt 4', more average 8" but like 15"+ in places, super thick, damp to wet. You can see the rain in the distance! Yep, clippings on top but thats the way it is sometimes. But its not about that, its about creating stripes out of cr@p! I think it was successful if your into it. Again, deck set at spec, normal blades etc. It was double cut though as Im sure your 4' lawn was at least!


But anyway, getting back to the sun etc, take these pics below. One will have stripes, the other wont. That is purely because of the sun! There are technically stripes there, you just cant see them!
These 2 pics are taken within minutes of each other. I had done NOTHING to the deck. In fact, I dont even try and get stripes! This lawn was cut at 2 and quarter inches!

IMG_1684.JPG IMG_1681.JPG

But look, none of this is about whos stripe is bigger or better. I could careless about stripes, they are purely accidental and I NEVER said I was an expert on them. In fact, I said I wasnt. Its about facts. And as far as Im concerned, there is no real reason to heel a deck. Sure, give it a try but try it on the same day as with a spec deck on the same lawn. Otherwise its pointless. You just wont know for sure if it makes a difference or not.
But people need to be aware of the downsides. It WILL put more draw on the engine, belts, pulleys and clutch. Friction! The grass is rubbing on the blades the entire time from front to back. Thats friction!
You'll say, BS to that I know but, its true and home owners or just people in general need to know that!


Lawn Addict
Sep 3, 2012
  • / Are Raptor SD blades level? (deck leveling question)
So there you go, straight from the R&D guy from Gravely No need to heel the deck!
You didn mention you have the stripe kit installed when you said heeling the deck improved the stripes. How could you possibly come to the conclusion that it was heeling that improved the stripes?

I agree with that guy, raise your deck! You'll get more grass blade to catch the light! You'll get a nice finish but it may take a couple of weeks. Let the grass grow up to the deck, dont lower the deck to the grass! Over time, the grass will thicken up and get "trained" to lay that way. The more you run the same lines the quicker the grass will "learn" but you also run the risk of ruts but I would certainly do that for a while to speed up the process. Also, stripe in a way or direction so that the sun is coming from over your shoulder.

Im not even a striping expert but Ive been around long enough to have an idea whats involved. The longer the grass (blade) the greater the chance of good stripes! Simple as that!

I think your possibly listening to the wrong people on here about all this! I wonder how many guys on here intentionally heel the deck on the commercial zt rider! I bet its very few and they probably listened to the same advice you did!

The rep said they recommend heeling the deck for Bahia. Thats fine for a home owner who only mows Bahia. The commercial guy is not doing to mess with a deck just for Bahia when he has to contend with all the other varieties! Bahia is a pita to cut, Ive cut many acres of the stuff. No way would I change the deck just for that! Bahia has a tendency to bunch up in front of the deck with clippings from the previous cut, if the grass was long. If your deck doesnt have an adjustable baffle then sure, I can see where that would be handy heeling the deck. Some decks, maybe even yours you can raise the front baffle which will let those clippings in much better! No need to heel the deck then! But your not cutting Bahia!

My advice would be to listen to the Gravely rep.

As far as I know, you loved the cut initially. Everything youve done so far is to improve the stripes, right? In the end, I believe all you needed to do was raise the deck and use a stripe kit, and have some patience!
Just so I'm clear about the "sequence of events"....before I added the stripe kit I heeled the deck and I will post a picture of the results above(I don't have a "before" picture for comparison, so you'll have to believe me when I say the "mild stripes" in the picture weren't there before I heeled the deck). I added the mulch kit first and mowed with the deck as delivered and then with it heeled. IMHO, the cut quality and buildup underneath the deck both improved after heeling the deck. Now I've added the stripe kit and I'm trying to tweak everything to get more pronounced stripes(I haven't got any pics since adding the stripe kit...but cutting at 2.5" the difference after adding the kit wasn't "drastic" enough for me). I'm confident that following the advice given by Gravely will get me the results I am seeking. When I "get it right" I'll be posting some pictures in the "Striping, Gotta Love It" thread.


May 19, 2014
  • / Are Raptor SD blades level? (deck leveling question)
View attachment 21901
Just so I'm clear about the "sequence of events"....before I added the stripe kit I heeled the deck and I will post a picture of the results above(I don't have a "before" picture for comparison, so you'll have to believe me when I say the "mild stripes" in the picture weren't there before I heeled the deck). I added the mulch kit first and mowed with the deck as delivered and then with it heeled. IMHO, the cut quality and buildup underneath the deck both improved after heeling the deck. Now I've added the stripe kit and I'm trying to tweak everything to get more pronounced stripes(I haven't got any pics since adding the stripe kit...but cutting at 2.5" the difference after adding the kit wasn't "drastic" enough for me). I'm confident that following the advice given by Gravely will get me the results I am seeking. When I "get it right" I'll be posting some pictures in the "Striping, Gotta Love It" thread.

Didnt Gravely just confirm what Ive been saying? Normal pitch and something about side discharging?
You need to run the same lines. Ok, mix up north south/east west but drive the same lines each time. I bet even Carscw does that to train the grass.
If you mow in one direction one week it will bend over right, if you mow in the opposite direction the next week it will bend the other way. You dont want that!
If you want more pronounced stripe, mow the same direction, and try and keep the sun at your back as much as you can!

Anyway, Ive spent enough time on all this and Im done with it. Just do what makes you happy!


Lawn Pro
Aug 2, 2013
  • / Are Raptor SD blades level? (deck leveling question)
I remember back when I used to mow lawns for a living and going to college, I didn't get home until after dark...Unless there was a drought.

Some of our local experts seem to post here everyday, 24/7, how is that? I am old and just sell crap on e-bay, but what about all of these , full on, in your face, every post, every thread, experts?????

How can they post here all day and fight with everyone, and still be the expert that they claim to be????

Especially when they can give convincing advice on every 12 thousand dollar ztr, when they only own an old Lawnboy, or Toro?


Lawn Pro
Aug 2, 2013
  • / Are Raptor SD blades level? (deck leveling question)
As I recall, running a mower business took 60 plus hours s week in the spring, I am sure that the actual labor has not gotten easier, but the bullchit/internet factor has taken over.........


Lawn Pro
Aug 11, 2011
  • / Are Raptor SD blades level? (deck leveling question)
As I recall, running a mower business took 60 plus hours s week in the spring, I am sure that the actual labor has not gotten easier, but the bullchit/internet factor has taken over.........

And you are the proof that internet bullchit as Taken over.


Lawn Pro
Aug 2, 2013
  • / Are Raptor SD blades level? (deck leveling question)
And you are the proof that internet bullchit as Taken over.

Indeed!!!! I admit that I'm online all day, as I just sell on E-Bay. Other posters claim to be full time Lawn Care Proffessionals, but yet they post here all day and all night....

I remember when I mowed grass for a living, I worked from sunup to sundown in the spring when the grass is growing the best.

But you are here, ALL of the time, sunup, sundown, and giving chitty advice!!!! How is that?


Lawn Pro
Aug 11, 2011
  • / Are Raptor SD blades level? (deck leveling question)
Indeed!!!! I admit that I'm online all day, as I just sell on E-Bay. Other posters claim to be full time Lawn Care Proffessionals, but yet they post here all day and all night.... I remember when I mowed grass for a living, I worked from sunup to sundown in the spring when the grass is growing the best. But you are here, ALL of the time, sunup, sundown, and giving chitty advice!!!! How is that?[/QUOTE

I know you never hear the word smart.

But I have a smart phone.

What is a smart phone you ask?

It is a hand held device that I can make phone calls with. And get this I can also use the internet to get on here in between jobs.

Anyone can do what you do. Look up a model number on yahoo answers.

I bet I own more mowers then you have worked on.

You can only give advise on things you find in the trouble shooting guide.


Jul 2, 2014
  • / Are Raptor SD blades level? (deck leveling question)

Have to say this has been an entertaining post! :confused2: I find it amusing regardless of your personal "internet" device (i.e. PC, laptop, smart phone, etc) that anyone has the time or the gumption to bicker like a bunch of 12 year olds. Why don't we put our big boy pants on and discuss what we are all intersted in (i.e. legitimate lawn mower discussion) and leave the "I know more than you" banter to ourselves. I find it comical that your lives are so simple that you allow yourself to get worked up and in a pissing match over the likes of whether a healed deck is helpful or not! Try getting a life!

Don't mean to offend anyone here but had to comment over how silly this post has gotten and wanted to remind you all that you are adults.... so please act like it!

Cheers to future posts and some civility! :thumbsup:



Mar 6, 2021
  • / Are Raptor SD blades level? (deck leveling question)
Besides the deck leveling and things, I trust the dealership where I purchased my ZTR. However, upon further dealing with this dealership, it's very unclear about how to level the deck. For example. I asked the service person, if I want to raise the deck, which two screws do I turn. His reply was, you go from back left to front right. If you want to lower the deck you do the same. It was very confusion to me, so I come to ask you guys who have been doing this for years. To raise the front of the deck I would assume you would turn the front screws and to raise the back of the deck you would do the back screws. Any words of wisdom on this?