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Any body mowing yet?




Well I just done the first mowing of the year today. Just a small part of the yard but still it was some much enjoyed seat time. The machine of choice is the 2006 John Deere X520.:biggrin:





I gotta move to NC......:rolleyes:




It's nice down here but hot in the summer. This was mostly wild onions and weeds.




... This was mostly wild onions and weeds.

Hey, mowing IS mowing....:thumbsup::laughing:

I'm still not sure I want to take the snow blower off yet...
I will give it a while ... :smile:KennyV




A lady I used to mow for had a plot of chives that went wild.....i'd always mow over them.......made me hungry for leek soup.......:laughing: (yes, she TOLD me to mow them over......)




Hey, mowing IS mowing....:thumbsup::laughing:

I'm still not sure I want to take the snow blower off yet...
I will give it a while ... :smile:KennyV

Yea it was fun. A little different than dragging logs and what not. I am going to mow the neighbors (paying customer):biggrin: yard this coming up weekend.

I say hold off on the blower because winter is not over just yet.:thumbdown:




A lady I used to mow for had a plot of chives that went wild.....i'd always mow over them.......made me hungry for leek soup.......:laughing: (yes, she TOLD me to mow them over......)

The flowers in the picture are 10 dollars a piece if I hit them. Wish my mother was as lenient as your customer.




A lady I used to mow for had a plot of chives that went wild.....i'd always mow over them.......made me hungry for leek soup.......:laughing: (yes, she TOLD me to mow them over......)

I planted chives in a secondary garden plot a few years back, those things multiply like crabgrass...last year I was digging up whole clumps for the wife to take to work and share.




The flowers in the picture are 10 dollars a piece if I hit them. Wish my mother was as lenient as your customer.

Well, she had two plots of them, and only used one (said the other ones had gone wild, and didn't taste as good - the customer's always right!), so she told me to just mow them over, but not to touch ONE CHIVE in the other patch..........




Don't ding the flowers...
I have some just starting to bloom, that my mom planted Decades ago... she has been gone now for a long time... Every time I see them it reminds me of her... She always said if I could keep from mowing them down, I would come to appreciate them. As usual she was SO RIGHT... :smile:KennyV




Well, she had two plots of them, and only used one (said the other ones had gone wild, and didn't taste as good - the customer's always right!), so she told me to just mow them over, but not to touch ONE CHIVE in the other patch..........

The customers always right even when I break something. The lady I mow for now told me to get up close to the bank in her yard. This is the bank she rolled my 1974 MTD 990 down and a little Craftsman tractor years ago. So I broke out the Stihl and saved my expensive tractor from death.




Don't ding the flowers...
I have some just starting to bloom, that my mom planted Decades ago... she has been gone now for a long time... Every time I see them it reminds me of her... She always said if I could keep from mowing them down, I would come to appreciate them. As usual she was SO RIGHT... :smile:KennyV

I try not to kill the flowers but sometimes one or two gets in the way and its nothing I can do then. Every one in the area compliments on the flowers and the yard so I guess I might keep them.




Spent half the day on Sunday raking only to wake up this morning to an inch of snow on the ground
and snowing hard. Don't think I'll be mowing yet.

I purposely took the snow shovels from the front of the house to the back of the house and not to
the shed where they belong for this very reason.




I did some mowing this past weekend. I first had to change the oil and lube the wheels on my Briggs-powered Jacobsen -- but then it started on the first pull.

It seems that there are several varieties of grass (in addition to many types of weeds) at my place in Cleburne Co. Some grass is still dormant (brown) while other grass is a vibrant shade of green and growing like crazy.




Hey, mowing IS mowing....:thumbsup::laughing:

I'm still not sure I want to take the snow blower off yet...
I will give it a while ... :smile:KennyV

They are predicting snow here tomorrow...so much for mowing. Probably two more months to go.




No mowing here, I'm still trying to get all the stones off my lawn and back on the driveway.:ashamed:




No mowing here, I'm still trying to get all the stones off my lawn and back on the driveway.:ashamed:

Last fall we had a new member say, quote: "A gas powered stone thrower would save a lot of work"....well maybe that is what you need to ease your job there....:laughing:

Honest, someone DID say that here.




Last fall we had a new member say, quote: "A gas powered stone thrower would save a lot of work"....well maybe that is what you need to ease your job there....:laughing:

Honest, someone DID say that here.
I'm saving my back and using a vacuum this year.:smile:




My body has NEVER needed mowing and I don't believe it ever will ! :rolleyes::confused2: :biggrin:




My body has NEVER needed mowing and I don't believe it ever will ! :rolleyes::confused2: :biggrin:

GOOD ONE !!! :thumbsup::laughing:




I'm saving my back and using a vacuum this year.:smile:

One year I used a big shop vacuum to clean up all the stones from the gravel shoulder (about 450 feet) of our roadfront, had to run out 200 feet of 12 gage cord. I sure got some weird looks from the drivers passing by, they were thinking "that guy is nuts, what kind of idiot vacuums his roadfront". :confused2:




My body has NEVER needed mowing and I don't believe it ever will ! :rolleyes::confused2: :biggrin:

You're a very funny man.:laughing::laughing:




You're a very funny man.:laughing::laughing:

You think HE is funny, go back and read some of MY posts, I'm the resident smart-a-- here on LMF.




You think HE is funny, go back and read some of MY posts, I'm the resident smart-a-- here on LMF.

Maybe we need a funny man duo to determine who's the funniest mower.:laughing::laughing:




It's been a lovely balmy day here today, warm enough to give our lawn the first cut I'm sure but as frost is forecast tonight I think we'll wait a little longer. The grass doesn't even look long enough to cut!




I'm saving my back and using a vacuum this year.:smile:

One year I had a patch with so much gravel on it, I wound up scraping it down to the soil and re-planting the lawn... saved a lot of time. :laughing:




One year I had a patch with so much gravel on it, I wound up scraping it down to the soil and re-planting the lawn... saved a lot of time. :laughing:

On Saturday I used my box blade and scraped most of the stones back onto the driveway. Actually worked pretty good, now there is alot less stones to vacuum off the lawn.:thumbsup:




I have the KA 160 blower (180 MPH - 4000 CFM) for the VENTRAC -- Sometimes blows them too far if I'm not careful ! :eek: No broken windows or anything, just past the other side of the driveway.




I have the KA 160 blower (180 MPH - 4000 CFM) for the VENTRAC -- Sometimes blows them too far if I'm not careful ! :eek: No broken windows or anything, just past the other side of the driveway.

I use this broom (Ventrac Broom Attachments) with the outside gauge wheels for de-thatching and getting the stones out. Good thinking on the blower but I agree, no broken windows :smile:

Do you guys get a ton of stuff in your lawn from the plow trucks? That is always my biggest annoyance. That and the fact that they always seem to dig up about 5 feet of sod and I always end up with a few bare spots of ground where massive chunks were taken out. :thumbdown:




I use this broom (Ventrac Broom Attachments) with the outside gauge wheels for de-thatching and getting the stones out. Good thinking on the blower but I agree, no broken windows :smile:

Do you guys get a ton of stuff in your lawn from the plow trucks? That is always my biggest annoyance. That and the fact that they always seem to dig up about 5 feet of sod and I always end up with a few bare spots of ground where massive chunks were taken out. :thumbdown:

Here they mainly pitch some stuff (gravel) off the shoulders, I can live with that. It's when they hit my mailbox post and break it that ticks me off...but that's another forum here.




Here they mainly pitch some stuff (gravel) off the shoulders, I can live with that. It's when they hit my mailbox post and break it that ticks me off...but that's another forum here.

Our township won't get close to my mailbox anymore. Solid steel cemented into the ground. They found out the hard way :laughing:




No mowing yet...:frown:




I just mowed my Atlanta place with the Lawn Boy. It started on the first pull but stalled once before warming up -- two pulls isn't bad after about four months of sitting.




I am envious of your mowing. I am not ready to mow yet, we still have snow. I also need to clean up and rake before I can mow.




Here in San Diego, we mow year-round. It's growing a lot faster now than in December, though. :thumbsup:




Our township won't get close to my mailbox anymore. Solid steel cemented into the ground. They found out the hard way :laughing:

Such solid posts are illegal here, they have to be breakaway or you can be held liable for damages.
Mainly so because such mailbox posts are on the public right of way.




Well, no frost after all so I did my first mowing of the year today! My husband hates it but I love it, luckily for him! The grass isn't very tall but it's looking really lush at the moment so the wet and cold Winter has done it some good, surprisingly.




Does snow blowing count for mowing? Its mowing snow!

The boys were snowmobiling last night. Still have 3 feet of snow on the yard in spots.

Tired of being the house so I'm going to blow/mow out my fire pit and have a big fire and a drink of rum this weekend.:biggrin:

Mowing? 6 weeks, 2 months maybe




Way to rub it in that you have something to mow! I won't be mowing until mid June, if I'm lucky, but most likely not until the end or early July. I need to move south.




Way to rub it in that you have something to mow! I won't be mowing until mid June, if I'm lucky, but most likely not until the end or early July. I need to move south.

Where abouts are you GA?




Here in San Diego, we mow year-round. It's growing a lot faster now than in December, though. :thumbsup:

Do you have a lawn to mow?




I simply refuse to mow in the same "insulated" outerwear that I use to push snow! :eek::laughing:

I'll probably need to trim off the "clumps" in a week or so. ~~ grnspot




Yep, I'm back to mowing again and I'm ready to start complaining lol. I missed fixing up the yard for a while there, but now that I have to do it again, I wish it could have taken longer to grow lol. Oh well... I knew it had to happen eventually.




Well it has rained the past 4 days and we are getting another 3 days worth of rain so its to wet to mow.:mad:



outdoors Joe

Do you guys get a ton of stuff in your lawn from the plow trucks? That is always my biggest annoyance. That and the fact that they always seem to dig up about 5 feet of sod and I always end up with a few bare spots of ground where massive chunks were taken out.

What's a plow truck?:laughing: We never see one back the road I live on. We're on our own getting out of the valley we live in when it snows.
