Why am I getting 502 Bad Gateway on this forum? Am I the only person getting this?
No, you're not the only one.
you are not alone. This is first time in 3 days I have been successfully connected to the site.
I'm also on & off with ( 502 BAD GATEWAY ) for Sat. ,Sun., Today ...Mon.,Apriil 12
I have been getting it randomly for about 5 days now. Some days for several hours, other days just for a few seconds, and it may work for about an hour and then be off for a couple hours.
I'm glad it's not just me. Thanks Admins!:thumbsup:
Roger B
I'll second what Boo-Boo said.. We can just imagine what must be going on at the operational end of the forum, trying to get it back on-line.. Thank you for your efforts! Looks like they were successful!! HooRay!!