My dealer swapped out the seat on my Bob-Cat with the suspension seat from a more expensive unit for $250. Don't know if that's an option as far as fit in your case. If not there are after market suspension platforms (bases) available for many mower seats.
I'm in Connecticut nearby you, mow 30 lawns commercially and rarely bag. With the speed and agility of a Zero-Turn mower it's pretty quick to do a second pass on areas with heavy accumulations of clippings to chop them up and disperse them and get the same appearance as bagging. Granted, this time of year does have me bagging some of my high-end lawns.
I really appreciate that info. Here in WA in 6 days time I have spots in the yard that have grown 6", just crazy time of the year out here. But hitting some spots again could be a good solution for these bad times of the year. Also mowing 2x a week maybe will counter it this time of year. Honestly bagging is also a problem as much as it is needed this time of year as it can be so heavy it clogs the chute. Damned if you do, damned if you don't I guess! I have a strong feeling though that the tip speed on these new mowers is so high that clogging and even dispersion of grass is not an issue like I am having with it now and like you I may not need to bag.
I will see about the seat options as well.