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  1. R

    G'day All, New member from Down Under

    Welcome Stepho , Another old bloke here in Indiana USA . My yard is 4.5 acers and I mow with a International Cub Lo Boy 60 inch cut . It is winter here on this side of the equator 13 degree F as we write this , you will have to convert the (800SQ mtr block) for me . We do not call ours Rover...
  2. R

    Intake air screen removal

    A cut off wheel to cut standard screw driver slots can work .
  3. R

    Convert GAS Briggs V-Twin to DIESEL?

    GM got that idea in the late 70s . 5.7 ended up in a class action lawsuit , they never stopped the head bolts from breaking after three attempts , all different crankshafts from breaking, reengineered injector pumps with timing advance in them so they would start below 35 degrees, all the...
  4. R

    B & S 18 hp engine surging and popping.

    As well as cleaning and adjusting the coils you might also unplug both the coil kill wires . There is a diode in each wire that allows current to go to the ignition switch to be shorted to the ground to stop the engine . If one of the diodes goes bad it will allow the pulse from one cylinder to...
  5. R

    Running on 1 cylinder

    If it is a Briggs you might also try unplugging both coils kill wires and try it again. Each wire has its own diode in it and they do go bad . It can have spark on both cylinders but one side at the wrong time / open ex valve piston on bottom of stroke .
  6. R

    Honda GC160 fuel lines

    I have the same 40 mile drive for everything, gone half a day . I have pushed a piece of steel brake line inside of the hose then bend it, leave it in there , no kink , then say it was like that when you got it .
  7. R

    Sharpening Blades

    I had two MTD /Toro economy models that had struck water meter bases and bent the blade and the deck itself. The complaint was a crocked cut. I used a 48 inch straight edge across the spindle pulleys to correct the bend in the cupped area where the spindle bolts onto the deck. I use a truck tire...
  8. R

    Leak from bottom. I have a GH 526v/52 that has an oil leak from bottom of engine area.B&S 26 Hp Engine.

    I have replaced them without removing the engine. Remove your pulley /PTO clutch , drill a small hole into the metal of the seal , Install a screw into the drilled hole and use a claw hammer to pull out the seal. Use a section of 1 1/2 inch PVC drain pipe 6 inch long or longer as your seal...
  9. R

    Broke my mower, dang!

    I have chopped up more garden hose in this town , I am 70 and have one rule , if I can drive over it I am mowing it. Yes I do have holes in my vinyl siding . PS I found my fence post driver .
  10. R

    19E412 Fuel Pump Location

    I do more engine swaps then anything else. Engine from a one mower to another. I find a lot of bazar problems .John Deere is metric and Craftsman is SAE ,one has electric clutch, bigger charging system. Briggs has a diode on each coil kill wire. Some have the fuel tank up high under the hood ...
  11. R

    Broken Con Rod 44N677

    There is no way I could not tear into it . If it is junk, broken piston skirt , cylinder skirt or and camshaft you do not have to put it back together . It might have been the first rod poured on a Monday morning and have nothing to do with oil starvation . Might be a rod cap came off . They do...
  12. R

    Predator 9500 Generator backfiring on shutdown.

    They use to recommend removing the head and clean all the carbon off the head and piston each year . When the carbon gets heavy enough it will glow like charcoal and ignite any fuel at anytime , the backfire and shutting off the fuel overcomes the problem. Before the fuel solenoid it was a...
  13. R

    coil problem

    so he should be able to use a ohm meter to connect from the frame of the coil and the kill wire tab then switch to find out if it is one or both ??
  14. R

    coil problem

    There is a black wire attached to each of the two coils. Each wire goes through its own diode on its way to the key switch to find a ground in the off position to stop the engine. Understand that a good diode will only allow currant one way. In the on position if one of the diodes was to go bad...
  15. R

    briggs and stratton 25hp valve cover not heating up evenly

    I feel that Bert and Shane are on the right path. There is a black wire attached to each of the two coils. Each wire goes through its own diode on its way to the key switch to find a ground in the off position to stop the engine. Understand that a good diode will only allow currant one way. In...
  16. R

    Harbor Freight 6.5 HP. one engine 3 years old, failed to start, complete carb area disassemble and clean, NO help. NEW carb, NO help, will not start.

    I have that engine on my log splitter, its great and I love it. Mine would start and die, I left gas in it from the year before so I drained every hole I could drain and put in new gas, same thing, so removed carb and cleaned , same thing, tested with propane, same thing , So I was going to...
  17. R

    2005 Dixie Chopper Silver Eagle 44" Spindle Repair Issue

    Never saw a spindle like that. Have seen a gear on a Onan like that were you use a steering wheel puller and a few machine screws to remove it. and the spindle nut with some washers to press it back on
  18. R

    Gear oil for Hydro Gear?

    I have not tried the 75/90 in the hydrogear but tried it it a wore out ford car engine and it foamed real bad . My Case loader uses hydraulic pumps and motor and it has stickers on it that warns to use only type F transmission fluid because the type A will compress and make the hydraulics...
  19. R

    B&S Vanguard fuel solenoid not available

    I have unscrewed the solenoid and cut off the bottom so it can not plug the main jet and that make it the same as the bolt they sell to plug the hole . It is already junk so no foul . Before that part we had the bolt and when we were ready to shut the engine off we let it run at a ideal long...
  20. R

    Solid state coil 35135 8hp Weak spark

    When you say Flywheel key is ok , did you actually remove the flywheel and look ? This is the last mistake I made on a Techumseh , It looked good from the top, new plug, new coil, lots of sanding and cleaning to end up with a sheared key.
  21. R

    Did I ruin my zero turn?

    To remove the blades the bolt or nut turns the same direction as the blades when they are cutting grass So when it hit the block solid it tightened the bolt super tight , it is set up that way so they do not come loose when engaged, with that said maybe if you take a 3 pound hammer and strike...
  22. R

    Lap bar issue

    My Troy Built RZT with the Hydro Gear drive units did that on the left side, The fan was missing over half the blades, when I removed the unit to change the fan I removed the filler plug and turned it upside down on a 5 gallon bucket, it looked like it had a lot of water in the oil and was real...
  23. R

    Backfires Under Load

    I agree with the lack of fuel, next time it acts up loosen the gas cap ,maybe the cap vent is restricted, then change the fuel filter or at least remove and back blow through it into your hand to se what's in it if anything. It does sound like the taller grass is pulling the governor opened and...
  24. R

    Is a Spark Arrestor really Necessary?

    I took mine out because it was plugged up ,then mine ran such a high RPM it made my hand itch and almost felt like I was getting shocked . I was afraid it was going to scatter parts and take out my manhood so I cleaned the screen and put it back in. I know on the older 2 stroke mopeds they...
  25. R

    Need Hydro-Gear Fan

    There is a vent plug with a hose barb on it and also a plug ,the plug hole will fill fast , fill it full on the plug hole, they are on the top when laying in its mounted position
  26. R

    Need Hydro-Gear Fan

    You fill it up and it was just under two qt on each side. 20w/50 . Be sure two fill it before you reinstall because there is no access to the fill plug in the frame once installed. I used a electric drill with a socket to spin my pulley and cycle it from forwards and reverse to get out any air .
  27. R

    Need Hydro-Gear Fan

    my oil looked like a chocolate milk shake . I used a 5 gallon bucket to lay my unit upside down on over night.
  28. R

    Discharging Amp Meter

    You never mentioned the battery, how old ? A lot of them have a warranty of 90 days , they do not always just quit, they get to a point they do not not take a charge, dirty battery terminals can cause the same problem. A cheap volt meter set to DC then touched to the battery should read 12 volt...
  29. R

    Did I ruin my zero turn?

    there is a aluminum key in-between the crankshaft and the flywheel that will sheer if it was anything to worry about and if the deck is not vibrating the spindle shaft is good enough.
  30. R

    Need Hydro-Gear Fan

    while you have the unit out it would be a good time to change oil in it. 2 qt 20/50w engine oil. I am sure if fan was broken it has been hot a few times and condensate a bit of water. I have the same mower and fan blade was broken and at times would just stop pulling until allowed to cool. New...
  31. R


    I can think of two things that have gave me fits. The flywheel key has smeared from a backfire or abrupt stop which throwed off the timing just enough and starter or starter gear or flywheel was changed and do not match now, if the starter gear is plastic then the flywheel gear needs to be...
  32. R

    Some help required to diagnose a problem with starting a mower

    The throttle cable when pushed full on needs to close the choke full shut ,the butterfly by the air cleaner, push the throttle lever all the way on the handle , look at carb , loosen the cable clamp, push or pull the cable through the clamp until you end up full shut, tighten the cable clamp...
  33. R

    Some help required to diagnose a problem with starting a mower

    I would go back to the bottom of the tube , that will be your main jet , most do unscrew out and make sure if your screw driver is to wide of a blade you grind it narrower or file it but those threads in that hole need to be undamaged for reassembly. All the trash,rubber hose dust, water end up...
  34. R

    Some help required to diagnose a problem with starting a mower

    That would be compression in the cylinder you feel, the vacuum lose I am thinking would be starting from the intake valve all the way out to the chock, or your air cleaner, Maybe the carb gasket or if it has a plastic insulator in between the carb and the engine something that makes it easy to...
  35. R

    Some help required to diagnose a problem with starting a mower

    Closing the throttle would increase the vacuum, which in this case might make me suspicious of a vacuum leak . If taking the fuel hose off the carb does the fuel run freely?
  36. R

    Stripped Torx Head Removal

    My problems was cheap torque bits so I moved up from $1.99 harbor freight 12 pcs set to a $19.99 6 pcs set , but I will say the new stihl torque screws heads were the next size up different bit size, and they had lock tight on them which might be your problem, lock tight
  37. R

    Stripped Torx Head Removal

    I stripped a few on my ms390 saw . I drill the heads off, was not hard , then it cam apart so I could use vise grips
  38. R


    Some interest fact about dielectric grease . Dielectric grease, or tune-up grease, is a silicone-based grease that repels moisture and protects electrical connections against corrosion. ... The grease does not conduct electricity, so it shouldn't be applied directly to the mating surfaces (pins...
  39. R

    Bad Boy Mowers

    I was looking hard at the Bad Boy brand , it looks bullet proof , I have always used as is 20 year old junk so I would be easy to please, but being ignored by dealer and Bad Boy customer service is enough to caution me enough to keep reading before buying . I do not want to get involved in the...
  40. R

    D140...tran problem...what to do?

    I am a cautious type myself so I take a lot of pictures before I start from a lot of angles, and more pictures of and on , sometimes I have to wait on parts, money, or time and it can be two weeks later before I assemble things , before I start I go through all the pictures and follow them as I...
  41. R

    Strange ignition problem.

    sounds like every bit of 18 horse, mine is 9 horse maybe 11 on propane, I can go up hill with the mower deck on. Steering on side , which I like .
  42. R

    Strange ignition problem.

    Not a numbered series Lo Boy, It is like a Standard Cub but the rear axle is rotated forward a 1/4 turn to lower 8 inches and the front spindles are 8 inches shorter then a standard, exhaust is under not up. So it ends up 8 inches lower and shorter from the factory. I understand the 184 was the...
  43. R

    Strange posting issue.

    I had exactly the same problem as you at the same time and same post, I closed mine and repicked the cracked head post and was ok, yours posted three times.
  44. R

    Blown head gasket cracks in cylinder head

    The head gasket will positively make it smoke. Can you thin some paint to like water and smear it on the head and wipe it off and see if the paint went into a crack or if not
  45. R

    Strange ignition problem.

    I have seen my share of the left hand engine nightmares. Bought a used west bend Kart engine mounted it on a racing kart pulled on rope till I bled , was not happy with the seller and he came to start it for me and said it is mounted on the wrong side of the Kart, he wrapped the rope the other...
  46. R

    craftsman trashcan

    See If you can find the spring that pulls the pedal up and see if it is broken, also a v belt pulls on both sides of the V so if it is a 1/2 inch wide belt new and it wears down to 3/8 inch wide the belt ends up on the bottom of the pulley and is about 1/5 th of the belt surface it needs to hook...
  47. R

    Please help me decide!

    Some are MTD and some are AYP , but the one that is listed he is looking at is MTD , Like you I thought they were all AYP until I Googled it, made me a little sick, I really like the AYP ,
  48. R

    craftsman trashcan

    The belt is where I would start, there is a picture of the belt routing diagram under the left hand side running board, if you push the brake pedal down and set the parking brake the belt will be loose, just a thought , pull up on the brake pedal next time it happens. I think the belt part...
  49. R

    Please help me decide!

    I would not buy any model with a single cylinder engine Briggs or Kohler, Twins seem to be made to a lot higher standard and I would go with the Craftsmen , Compair parts prices from one to the other, belts, spindles, blades, . Lowes will not work on it so you might ask the person that is going...
  50. R

    RZT LX - reverse speed uneven

    My neighbor has a RZT50 Cub Cadet , it does it, do not think it did it from new but he insisted I adjust the rod on the left drive unit, all it did was move the problem to the forward motion. The holes the rods went into had wore enough it might of been some of it but I put it back the way it...