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  1. G

    LT2000 won’t start

    I suggest just Change to a new plug and be sure the coil wire is producing a bright spark when plugged in and grounded. Be sure the fuel valve is turned ON. Try Starting Fluid. If it starts, you have Ignition now you need Fuel. Needle valve or electric fuel shutoff may be stuck or...
  2. G

    Massive, massive, paint analysis, no expense spared.

    Price the John Deere Green rattle can lately? Not the Space Shuttle!
  3. G

    Tife chains

    You could buy some chain and hammer links to make the first ones fit or shorten the new ones. Not rocket science.
  4. G

    Tife chains

    Perhaps a little 'slower' if other factors are the same!
  5. G

    Tife chains

    If you are mowing your hills sideways, chains will make your machine skid down hill. Lower air pressure and use as directed may help.
  6. G

    Tife chains

    Very well thought out Sir. I have done the same with psi.
  7. G

    Briggs 18 HP Hard to Start

    I don't know what a 350777 is but if it has an electric solenoid fuel shut off, be sure it is working. You should be able to hear it click when you turn ignition to ON. Check the multiwire connector(s) near the switch. Disconnect and clean them with Electronic cleaner and put back together...
  8. G

    Compression issue after rebuild

    I suspected valve/cam gear timing. Since you have solved that, check the Flywheel Key to be sure it is not partially sheared. A worn cam lobe would close valve(s) quicker so I doubt your new cam is at fault. Re set the valves per spec and check coil positioning. Perhaps you are running it too...
  9. G

    24hp Kohler Hard to Start When Cold

    After checking Choke setting, replace spark plugs. Use fresh fuel.
  10. G

    Briggs & Statton manuals?

    I have a 3 ring binder with 13 sections by B&S. It is in great detail with lots of photos, schematics, tools etc. MS-4750-101 is on each section. I also have one for Tecumseh.
  11. G

    Figuring out year of manufacture is driving me nuts

    Have you tried contacting MTD? Do you have a warranty claim? Don't worry about it.
  12. G

    Is this safe? A better way?

    With a common pliers, grasp hose over the Filter nipple and while holding the filter work it back and forth. Hot water may help. Perhaps put a little lube on the Filter when reinstalling. Do not use heat gun or open flame.
  13. G

    Dead spots after winter w/ 2 dogs

    That pattern seems strange for Dog Urine. Have you checked for Cutworm or White Grubs. Fence in a 6'x6' or similar area and cover with ground cover cloth then 1" crushed stone. Train (make) the dogs do their business there. Get a few rolls of sod. Soak each in a 5 gal pail of water for a...
  14. G

    New Toro Start Problem

    If people would just run their equipment until it stalls from lack of fuel then if possible drain the Float Bowl and fuel tank, many of these problems would be solved. ALWAYS use Premium Fuel WITHOUT Methanol if possible. No storage problems.
  15. G

    New Toro Start Problem

    I have done the same. All Good.
  16. G

    New Toro Start Problem

    You obviously know little about the workings of a Carburetor. Carb cleaner introduced into the Fuel supply at the Filter which is close to the engine passes by various internal passages such as needle and seat, sometimes a fine screen, into the Float Bowl, through various orifices up the...
  17. G

    New Toro Start Problem

    Run some Carb cleaner through it from the Fuel Filter . There are many things it could be. Likely running lean.
  18. G

    New Toro Start Problem

    I agree with the choke issue. Try removing the Air Filter and see if you can see the Choke butterfly disc. It should be closed when cold. Good luck.
  19. G

    LTX 1045 Cranks but no start

    Get it weighed!
  20. G

    woodruff key 25x18, are they all the same?

    Great reference site. Thanks.
  21. G

    Motor Starting..

    After cleaning ALL terminals from battery to starter including solenoid and Ground, try a known good battery.
  22. G

    4 cycle oil

    2 Cycle engines require a specified mix of 2 Cycle Oil and Fuel. Not SAE 30 oil. 4 Cycle engine, ONLY Oil goes in the Crankcase.
  23. G

    Cub 1440 Backfires and has oil everywhere

    Drain the Fuel and Carb bowl. Check emulsion Tube holes if you can access them. There is often a very tiny hole on the jet at the bottom of the float bowl. A wire from a wire brush will handle that. Carefully remove Float and needle valve and allow fresh clean gas to wash through the seat...
  24. G

    Walbro and Nikki

    You can replace the carb or just unplug the Solenoid from the wiring harness. Install a good Shut Off valve on the fuel line and use it every time. Shut it off about 20 seconds before you are done with the mower.
  25. G

    Oil is grey in color

    Grey oil indicates metal, likely from the Connecting Rod Big end. Use Standard 30 oil. Likely a lot of oil inside the muffler causing smoke, so contamination (Aluminum Alloy) may be coming from the Cylinder Wall. Don't over think it. Keep your eye out for a good newer model. Tis the season!
  26. G

    Cheap Chinses Carb

    The only way fuel can get into the Crankcase is from the Carb. A spec of dirt at the needle/seat interface is all it takes. The fuel Shutoff valve may not be getting power or is defective. You should be able to feel/hear it click when slowly turning the key ON. It is usually possible to...
  27. G

    lcd screen said chg oil

    Just change the oil and filter.!
  28. G

    Engine Pulley Bolt/Socket Size?

    Get some 6 point sockets and find one that fits. Duh!
  29. G

    Buying Parts, Accessories

    First, Remove the blades and sharpen them. Not rocket science as some might say. Then try it. No sense replacing belts and idlers yet as it seems your mechanical skill level in this is quite low.
  30. G


    If your mower is at operating speed in the photo, it appears the Throttle Plate is nearly closed. Governor linkage can do that if there is a fuel problem (not enough gas). Try squirting a small amount of gasoline into the Carb when it is set for wide open and see if it revs up considerably. I...
  31. G

    Tubeless flat tyre

    Damn, hope they don't start making Condoms.............
  32. G

    Kroller CV15S won't start without staring fluid

    If you hold your finger on that solenoid you should feel it click when you slowly turn the key towards but not to Start. Warm the fitting briefly with a propane torch and then cold water. Do that a couple times then with a tight fitting wrench try to tighten then loosen the fitting. You could...
  33. G

    Kroller CV15S won't start without staring fluid

    I expect you have checked for/changed the fuel filter. Remove Float bowl and see if fuel runs out when cranking engine. Remove Float and needle and use carb spray to spray back into the NEEDLE SEAT.
  34. G

    No Ethanol vs Ethanol Gas

    If you fill several 5 gal cans of fuel at the lowest price you can find and they are tightly sealed, no problem. It is the moisture in the Air in partially filled tanks that offers the Ethanol moisture. The fuel will normally last 30 days with no degradation. I use Premium Ethanol Free in...
  35. G

    Cub Cadet Tiller Input Shaft Seized

    I expect it is a ball bearing and it didn't survive the Flood or pressure washing. Look for a donor machine or get it weighed. Sorry about your luck.
  36. G

    Craftsman - Kohler Mo# 917.271030. wires and connector connected to the voltage regulator burnt

    I believe you have a direct short somewhere . A fuse would not allow that type of damage if it was in that circuit. High resistance somewhere or melted insulation. Follow each wire, replace any overheated connedtions and clean all mating surfaces that wires connect to. Good Luck.
  37. G

    Blade bearing housing: Can't get the bearings out. What's the secret

    Glad it worked, now go clean the oven!
  38. G

    Transaxle replacement

  39. G

    Craftsman G5500 fuel trouble

    Sounds like a governor assembly. Check for new/used one with repair shop or Dealer.
  40. G

    Dead spots after winter w/ 2 dogs

    I believe it is the Ammonia in the urine. Make a 4'x4' area in a corner of your yard cover in crushed stone and train them to do their business there.
  41. G

    Belt slipping or transmission gone bye bye ?

    Check your belt size and routing. One or the other is suspect to me. Possibly belt is too long.
  42. G

    bad boy magnum help needed..

    On some models at the bottom of the steering levers there is an adjustment to move them closer or further away. You might check that out.
  43. G

    Cylinder scratches & internal rust on new Vanguard

    I doubt that B@S test ran them all. It would be almost impossible to get them that clean inside or did you remove all traces of oil? Scratches appear very minor. Does it burn much Oil? Get your $100 and run.
  44. G

    BG-86 BG86 Carb Adjustment Tool - Stihl# 59108902314

    Glad you are not being picky. Are you going to frame it or use it?
  45. G

    Briggs and Stratton 104M02-0010-F1 starts 1st pull runs and mows perfectly about 15 minutes and dies. Won’t restart until next day. Please help

    Try a properly gapped New Spark Plug. I believe you have a fuel delivery problem if it runs for 15 minutes. Try starting with Fuel Tank Cap removed, then replaced. New filter installed at correct orientation. Remove float bowl, clean and inspect. Fuel should flow freely when bowl is removed...
  46. G

    Craftsman mini cultivator model 536.292510

    Keep it simple. Get a bicycle drink holder and bolt it to the handle. Keep Quick Start in it. Done. :cool:
  47. G

    Help! I can’t get tire off

    From Photo #2 it appears that the key is not IN the Keyway, binding the Wheel, Try to put the key back in its' place. Perhaps the key has sheared off or the wheel has become loose on the shaft or both. Spray into the keyway from both sides with penetrant and let sit for a couple days Use...
  48. G

    Can you buy too big of a zero turn?

    Replies are not showing for me.
  49. G

    X324 48" Deck Question

    My X-320 JD has a 48" deck, 22 HP. No mulch attachment. A completely different method of attaching the deck. It mows very level over uneven ground. It is properly leveled, at correct tire pressure. Lower at the front. I mow clippings into unmowed area and clean up what's left with a wide...