Hi. I just signed up (I think) as a member. However, I felt like the registration process was a little hyper-critical, in that it would clear arbitrary fields if one was not answered satisfactorily. i.e. When asked for a referrer name I entered "Email from TractorsByNet" which it rejected clearing the 'password', 'random question' and the Check box for the rules. Because of the rejection message, I skipped down to the referrer box and erased my answer, which of course resulted in another rejection due to the 'cleared fields'. On my 3rd try I reviewed then entire form filling in missing information and submitted the form. I was greeted with this message
" Your submission could not be processed because you have logged in since the previous page was loaded.
Please push the back button and reload the previous window " :confused2:
I refreshed the page and did it again, filling in the CLEARED fields. At this point I'm not sure whether I'm properly registered.