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  • Hi,

    Thanks for doing a great job and getting Briana started.

    Is there any way to let KennyV know his PM inbox is full ?

    have a john deere, model 440 - I need instructions on settings on the valves. Do you set the valves, both of them, when the piston is at the top of its stroke.
    Hi. I just signed up (I think) as a member. However, I felt like the registration process was a little hyper-critical, in that it would clear arbitrary fields if one was not answered satisfactorily. i.e. When asked for a referrer name I entered "Email from TractorsByNet" which it rejected clearing the 'password', 'random question' and the Check box for the rules. Because of the rejection message, I skipped down to the referrer box and erased my answer, which of course resulted in another rejection due to the 'cleared fields'. On my 3rd try I reviewed then entire form filling in missing information and submitted the form. I was greeted with this message
    " Your submission could not be processed because you have logged in since the previous page was loaded.
    Please push the back button and reload the previous window " :confused2:
    I refreshed the page and did it again, filling in the CLEARED fields. At this point I'm not sure whether I'm properly registered. :eek:
    Hello All, I am new to this forum. Presently I am restoring an Exmark 36" walk behind with a 11hp Honda engine on it. I bought this mower new back in around 1983. We had a serious fire on the back of our property and forestry ran it over with a bulldozer along with a number of other pieces of equipment. Not sure what did more damage the fire or forestry. Anyway if anyone has any parts laying around that they want to get rid of drop me a line with the price and a picture. (thanks) This mower was virtually trouble free except for normal maintenance. I am also restoring a 1960 Wheelhorse tractor model 653. It used to be my dads which he bought new, comes with the mower deck, front blade and wheel weights. It also had a snow blower attachment but seeing I live in Florida I didn't take that.
    Cheers to All
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