Recent content by skippymud

  1. skippymud

    Smokes like a chimney

    Hey Lindy46 of 78 and still groovin'. Your snake oil might be a Zinc Oil Additive at first thought. But you might also be running a little rich on the fuel or the valves are shot or your rings have seen their day from lack of oil changes and/or extreme use Change the air filter first or...
  2. skippymud

    Kubota z122r

    Does the engine die *immediately* up engaging the PTO, as though you turned the engine off, or does it huff and puff and die eventually post-PTO? If it is a quick die, I'd say you have a bad safety kill switch gone wrong somewhere
  3. skippymud

    3020T wont hold idle once hot

    Check the Spark Arrestor in the muffler. If it is caked, remove it and throw it away
  4. skippymud

    3020T wont hold idle once hot

    Echo - Nice. Does it REV UP fine with no bogging down and hold a strong top-end RPM?
  5. skippymud

    New Carb Surges

    Maybe starving of fuel. First thoughts: You might have an air leak going on somewhere, or an obstruction in the governor linkage. Fuel filter clogged? Do share the make and model# of your engine when able
  6. skippymud

    Grass isn't cut between the blades.

    That is a giant swath of truly uncut grass, in a straight line no less. Maybe check to see if one of your blades (center) is mounted upside down by remote chance. I have an old non-tech Jacbsen 46" and I don't have this problem when I mow any grass
  7. skippymud

    Briggs 4hp Horizontal not running just right

    Great, thanks. New Valve Springs then too while I'm at it. Weak springs will result in valves not closing completely I believe
  8. skippymud

    Briggs 4hp Horizontal not running just right

    Thanks ILEngine. Will new valves cure the problem?
  9. skippymud

    Trying to determine thread size for a ball valve plug?

    Hi Rickcin I would remove the ball valve and take it to the local hardware store (if there are any left nearby) and match things up Ken
  10. skippymud

    Briggs 4hp Horizontal not running just right

    Hello All Briggs 4hp horizontal not running just right. 1976 model 100292 on a Troy-Built tiller. VID: Flywheel key is intact Good compression Carb is rebuilt 100%. I actually tried 3 different carbs and got the very same result Bowl in tank has plenty of fuel No leaking fuel Has good spark...
  11. skippymud

    BR400 Coil Question

    Thank you very much, StarTech!
  12. skippymud

    BR400 Coil Question

    Hello All Stihl BR400 Backpack Blower Replacing the coil. The original has a wire coming out of the housing which the new aftermarket ones don't have. I am talking about the wire with the eye loop at end. Do I need to care that the new ones don't have this wire?
  13. skippymud

    Delete please

    Howdy Gunship. I am guessing the engine maker is Briggs. Please confirm. If so, please share the info below when able 1) Model# 2) Type# 3) Code# This info should be on the blower shroud or somewhere somewhat obvious Ken
  14. skippymud

    Looking for an impossible deck blade

    Hi Lawn Addict. Still more/less 14.75". I source impossible product for a living actually (semiconductors, etc). This one is impossible so far. I am hoping to get an impossible find using this portal is all. I've been looking for quite some time
  15. skippymud

    Looking for an impossible deck blade

    Hello All I am looking for 2 blades (out of three for the deck) for my: Jacobsen Product Number: 53201 AKA Jacobsen 1000 53201, or just "1000" sometimes Serial: 13722 Production Year: 1979 So just by remote chance, if anyone has 2, I'd consider a buy
  16. skippymud

    Onan P220G scoring on CYL2 wall

    Hi back I took dial bore gauge readings during the rebuilding. Both sides are true and perfectly round left to right and lower to upper - Amazing So thanks again for the help here. I do have a STD honing tool - A spring-loaded three-stone. Will use that instead of my 3.25" ball hone Ken
  17. skippymud

    Onan P220G scoring on CYL2 wall

    Hi IEngine Ring Gap on on this Onan should be 0.003-0.008in. The source of my info is here: The actual ring gap is 0.015 which is way out of spec. I will purchase a new full set of rings at and do a ball honing to see if I can level that out enough...
  18. skippymud

    Onan P220G scoring on CYL2 wall

    Hello all, I don't have the further specs on this engine as the information was not visible when I got it. Best I can guess is that it's an early model P220 (with electronic ignition) based on what mentions repeatedly when I had bought parts. Their site is very helpful in this...