Recent content by Rivets

  1. R

    Vanguard V-twin wiring help please

    Yes, she says “don’t let dummies stop you from helping those who are willing to say I’m in over my head. They will assume that those trying to help are smarter than they are. Not questioning what they are told.”
  2. R

    22" Toro Recycler Model

    Either behind the left rear wheel or under the grass catcher cover.
  3. R

    Vanguard V-twin wiring help please

    I taught automotive and small engine repair for 30+ years, plus have worked on small engine for 50+ years, I think I know what I’m talking about. I assure you I would never put anything in my procedures which will intentionally harm anyone or equipment. I expected the reply you posted, because...
  4. R

    Vanguard V-twin wiring help please

    Ok, as a retired instructor I have to give this one more try, to lead this child through the electrical forest of how to wire an engine into a circuit. I know I’m going to get $./#@ for doing it this way, but at th end those that hate me go to the back of the line. You’re not alone. First I’m...
  5. R

    Dolmar PS-510 starts and dies

    Ok, that’s a new one on me, but even at my age I’m not too old to learn. I’ve heard of this on a 4- stroke engine, but never on a 2-stroke. Thanks you for teaching this old dog a new trick
  6. R

    Dolmar PS-510 starts and dies

    If it is in the fuel system, I’m guessing a bad pickup tube on the fuel tank!!! Craftsman, this is a 2-cycle engine.
  7. R

    Dolmar PS-510 starts and dies

    You state you have good spark at all times and it is not a fuel problem, so only thing left is compression, which I doubt is the problem. Can you narrow down which of these three system was causing the problem, or will it give away the answer?
  8. R

    Vanguard V-twin wiring help please

    Your post is very confusing, as I assume you were asking how to wire a motor into your tractor. The manual I posted tells you where each of the engine wires is plugged into the tractor wiring. What I now think you are asking is, does anyone have a wiring diagram of my tractor, so I can wire in...
  9. R

    Tecumseh engine backfires

    Here’s a service manual which will help you out.
  10. R

    Tecumseh engine backfires

    Even if the valve clearance is off you still have to remove the head to get the valves out. That is a good time to check and clean the valve seats and faces. L-head engines are a little more difficult to do the job, but both the cleanliness and clearance needs to be done. Valve clearances are...
  11. R

    Toro model 20372 personal pace mower won't stay running

    Time to remove the carb and give it a good cleaning. Here is a service manual if you have a Loncin engine.
  12. R

    Tecumseh engine backfires

    If I remember Tecumseh numbers right, it should be 2005.
  13. R

    Vanguard V-twin wiring help please

    This manual should help you identify where each wire goes.
  14. R

    Tecumseh engine backfires

    Not without all the engine numbers. Tecumseh stopped building engines in 2008, so at least 15 years old.
  15. R

    286707 runs rough when Crank Case Breather is attached.

    First, the foam air filter which goes over the paper filter should NOT be oiled. My guess is the oil is being sucked from the foam filter onto the paper filter, clogging it up, causing a rich running condition. I recommend you purchase a new paper and foam filter and install them DRY. If it...
  16. R

    Air filters

    Star, in my years of dealing with engines in our cold weather, if I’ve seen it once I’ve seen it a dozen times. The DIY guy takes a tiller engine and mounts it on a snow blower. Can’t understand why it won’t run in cold weather with a frosted up filter. Also, has carb problems even with no...
  17. R

    Tecumseh engine backfires

    With an engine that old I’m betting that you have an exhaust valve which is not closing fully. Cause would be carbon buildup around the valve face or sticking valve stem. The only way to find out is to remove the head and check.
  18. R

    Echo PB-500T won’t start properly

    Trying to teach someone how carbs work and troubleshoot them is difficult on a forum. We know what to do, but delivering that knowledge can be difficult. Maybe one of these sites will help you understand how Walbro carbs work and give you repair instructions...
  19. R

    149-818-205 Manual?

    I doubt there is a repair manual for the unit, but I you post the Briggs model, type and code numbers, we should be able to find you a service manual and parts list for the engine.
  20. R

    Mower cutting out

    Can you restart the unit after you allow it to cool down? If so the next time it happens check for spark. If no spark I suspect you have a coil which has either a hot short or hot open. Not uncommon for an older unit. Solution replace coil. If you still have spark, we know the ignition...
  21. R

    Air filters

    If you want to do it on your own equipment go ahead, but if you are in business NEVER on a customers unit, unless you have great liability insurance.
  22. R

    Air filters

    I pity the poor tech that has to work on a filter where someone has tried doing this. Try explaining to the customer why they have to pay for a new filter housing.
  23. R

    Air filters

    Did it ever occur to you if you glue the filter to the housing, you will probably ruin the housing when trying to remove it? Notice how easily they warp with nothing applying added pressure to them. These housings warp easily aand it won’t take much pressure to change a flat surface into a...
  24. R

    Honda HRX2174VKA general troubleshooting

    Are you asking us to post troubleshooting tips for all the different systems on your mower? I don’t have time to do that much typing. How about posting your problem and we can narrow it down to that system. This is a help forum, not a hold my hand while I fix my unit forum. Mst techs here...
  25. R

    Staling 2002 Cub Cadet 2166 w/16 HP Kohler Command

    Thank you Star for correcting me, I thought it was a vertical engine.
  26. R

    Staling 2002 Cub Cadet 2166 w/16 HP Kohler Command

    Shouldn’t have to pull the engine to access the coil.
  27. R

    Staling 2002 Cub Cadet 2166 w/16 HP Kohler Command

    Sounds like your coil has either a hot short or hot open. This means the coil breaks down when it gets hot. Next time it happens check for spark. No spark, time to replace the coil.
  28. R

    L21zsn will not start.

    How can you test a magneto outside the engine? Today’s magnetos use a Hall Effect trigger which can only be tested with a very expensive piece of equipment. If the plug is dry and you are sure it is firing when installed and you are sure that fuel is not getting to the cylinder, I suspect you...
  29. R

    L21zsn will not start.

    Are you sure that the engine is not flooded? These 2-cycle engines like to have an accumulation of fuel in th crankcase when the user keeps priming, resulting in a flooding condition. Maybe this manual will help you out. Comeback with more specific questions.
  30. R

    10304 Silver Series drive belt help

    If this manual does not help, come back with more questions.
  31. R

    Lawn Boy 320 snowblower

    Why would you think you have the right belt when it is longer than the OEM belt?
  32. R

    Lawn Boy 320 snowblower

    Two things I would check. First, the belt would be Lawn Boy part number 71-5381, with a size of 3/8” X 34 1/2. Second, have you checked to make sure that the brake is releasing?
  33. R

    TORO 75750 - Problem with wire and not starting. Just clicks.

    Looks like it should go to the seat safety switch.
  34. R

    Solenoid clicks when turning key to start.

    Check the battery voltage with the key in the start position. If it drops below 10.5 VDC time for a new battery
  35. R

    John Deere riding mower

    Check to see if the battery cables are clean and tight at both ends. Especially the negative to chassis.
  36. R

    Good value torque wrenches without breaking the bank?

    Many of the auto parts stores have free loaner programs for tools which you don’t use very often. Far cheaper that purchasing new.
  37. R

    Cub Cadet with steering wheel

    I always instruct new Z-turn customers to position their hands so their thumbs are touching when in neutral. Moving straight, forward or reverse, means their hands are moving as one, turning means the hand opposite the direction you want to turn goes ahead of the other hand, thumbs no longer...
  38. R

    CraftsmanT-130 18.5 HP Briggs & Stratton Issue

    MP, replacing a cam shaft is not as easy as you describe. You forgot to mention that the valve clearance will need to be checked and adjusted after assembly. For the inexperienced guy this can be a challenge.
  39. R

    Rough Idle - Dirty Carb or Something Worse?

    This is to the OP. If you understood how the fuel, ignition and compression systems work together on a small engine, this thread would have ended 60 posts ago. Reading what you are posting the techs on this forum can see that by not even knowing the names of the components or how that work by...