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YES, I am back!




I am back, LMF!

Muhammad told me the bot was mis-configured. It's down to only censoring what it oughta...and that has nothing to do with what most members post around here.

HOWEVER, it seems some are not accustomed to such forum drama, and I would remind such members this all a VOLUNTEER effort, and if there is a problem, we oughta hear about it. Whether it be member-to-member, or member-to-admin, problems should be posted everywhere. That's the only way they get resolved. Anything else is denial.

I have posted why I left, and why I came back in another thread. Quite honestly, I didn't know anyone really gave a poop. To see that I was indeed as vital a member as I thought I was is heartwarming.

Won't change much, however. I am still me, and always will be. This thread is in answer to Noma's thread about us getting all off track and whatnot. Maybe so, but at my salary for this place, I don't take anyone's PC s---t. (that's be $0 annually - not a prize or nothin........same salary as you.)

So, just deal with the drama - or, oh, I dunno.............DON'T F---ING READ IT!!!!!! Not that hard.




Before I go to bed, however.......




I feel the need.......




wait for it now.........




To hit 1400 posts. This, children, is known as postwhoring.

I was so close, and nothing really to respond to, so I was a postwhore. :biggrin:

Yet again....:biggrin:




To hit 1400 posts. This, children, is known as postwhoring.

I was so close, and nothing really to respond to, so I was a postwhore. :biggrin:

Yet again....:biggrin:

WTF?????!!!! :eek::confused2:

THAT REALLY TICKS ME OFF BIG TIME.....:mad::mad::thumbdown::thumbdown:

And you know what I am referring to, Twall....NO PROFANITY PERMITTED HERE !!!

You guys tell me the word "W-----" isn't a dirty word......:laughing::laughing::laughing:




"As vital a member as I thought I was is heartwarming....."


The rest of us here just enjoy your ranting because you make us FEEL SO NORMAL IN COMPARISON.

Oh, I can be so nasty sometimes.....my apologies.....:laughing::laughing:




Diarrhea Mouth is a birth defect that the medical profession has had little success in treating. What has happened is two body openings were transposed at birth and the correction procedure is very difficult and usually not successful. Rave on.




Diarrhea Mouth is a birth defect that the medical profession has had little success in treating. What has happened is two body openings were transposed at birth and the correction procedure is very difficult and usually not successful. Rave on.

And that would be the bell starting round 2:rolleyes:




Diarrhea Mouth is a birth defect that the medical profession has had little success in treating. What has happened is two body openings were transposed at birth and the correction procedure is very difficult and usually not successful. Rave on.

Yeah, I sincerely admire how well you seem to have adjusted to that unfortunate birth defect, want to clue us in as to what your secrets of coping with such success are.....:laughing: :laughing:




Oh, brother! :laughing: this place just gets more entertaining by the minute. Twall, shame on you. To paraphrase what I told JD, "No running up the post count! Only posts that contribute to the forum or a thread are allowed." :tongue:




Oh, brother! :laughing: this place just gets more entertaining by the minute. Twall, shame on you. To paraphrase what I told JD, "No running up the post count! Only posts that contribute to the forum or a thread are allowed." :tongue:

So why does Briana get credited with a post for MOVING one? :confused2::confused2:




Hey Twall WELCOME back!I for one enjoy reading your posts cause I guess you remind me of you 20 yrs back.I said what I meant and sometimes people took offense to it.61 yrs has mellowed me out but I still won't be a phoney if something needs saying. russ




Yeah, I sincerely admire how well you seem to have adjusted to that unfortunate birth defect, want to clue us in as to what your secrets of coping with such success are.....:laughing: :laughing:

Oh GOLLY GOSH SHOOT DANG DARN I AM A DUMB FLIPPER, I forgot to also tell Old Bur his parents must be so proud of how well he has coped with his birth defect.....

HEY, you DO know who they are, right......:laughing::laughing::laughing:




Well all I gotta say is ..don`t hold back Twall ..those feelings you hold inside will just eat you up..ya just gotta come clean with what you think.....lol...and most of us can take it
I know I`m new but I just had to say that......:cool:




Well all I gotta say is ..don`t hold back Twall ..those feelings you hold inside will just eat you up..ya just gotta come clean with what you think.....lol...and most of us can take it
I know I`m new but I just had to say that......:cool:

Only people here who can't take it are the morons who want to be the censors of the rest, you p----- know who you are by now !!!!!




Diarrhea Mouth is a birth defect that the medical profession has had little success in treating. What has happened is two body openings were transposed at birth and the correction procedure is very difficult and usually not successful. Rave on.

You poor thing - you mean your mouth and your ears are in the wrong place? Or your nose and your mouth? WHAT are you saying, exactly, Mr. PC? If you're not careful, grampy - may have to start doin some 'splainin to little angel again - and we know how you HATE doing THAT.......so watch yourself! Could you explain which orafice you use to type with? I think we all know, but clarify for us - we're all big kids here. Methinks your keyboard might be stinky........

I'd think someone with mad language skilz like you would know the difference between an ORAFICE and an OPENING...:rolleyes: Also, that one TYPES in a forum, and ones FINGERS do that.......you are displaying poor language skills, Sandy.......

Still reading (and replying to) those "potty mouth" threads, I see. Must be an uncontrollable addiction, eh? Odd how someone can't seem to stay the f---- away from that which they claim to be so offended by.........how very ODD.......:laughing:

BTW, the Sesame Street filter wasn't configured right.......oh poop, eh Dr. censorship?

Might do you well to read my new sig, Sandy!




Here's a good forum-specific insult for you Sandy:

Seems your brain and your intestines have switched places, and any good ideas you had last night, get flushed with the tarry stool in the morning.......and what comes out of your head is just s---t.

Now THAT is good - feel free to use it.




Oh come on now Twall, don't be so mean to poor Sandy--do you realize just how heartbreaking it must be not to know who your parents are, ESPECIALLY when you dont know who to blame for giving you the potty mouth birth defect? AWWWWWW how SAD, Sandy....simply breaks my widdle heart. Maybe the rest of the members here on LMF should take up a collection to fund research in the hopes of preventing the defect....LOL.




My patience with these fools has worn thinner than their skin. They had their time. It was called the 90s. The decade when homosexuals came out of the closet, and freedom of speech went INTO it.

We had to worry about who would be offended by our words. But, if you were offended by homosexuals, that didn't mean a shovel full of cow dung.

That was then, this is now. Many, MANY people are as sick of this PC garbage as I am, too.

Sent from my WX445 using LMF




I'm glad to see that you came back, twall.

I believe that some admin control is necessary for any forum to maintain civility. When people are sitting at computers, some feel free to type really nasty stuff -- so some editing is necessary. The question is exactly how to do that -- to find the best balance,




I think we have a decent balance here.

True, the language and opinions can wax a tad salty at times, but overall, I do believe we are a decent group of folks.

And we do tend to bleep ourselves of any really nasty poop. If you know what's under those dashes, stars, or acronyms doesn't mean (and isn't the same as if) we blatantly SAID it. :biggrin:

Sent from my WX445 using LMF




JDgreen said:
WTF?????!!!! :eek::confused2:

THAT REALLY TICKS ME OFF BIG TIME.....:mad::mad::thumbdown::thumbdown:

And you know what I am referring to, Twall....NO PROFANITY PERMITTED HERE !!!

You guys tell me the word "W-----" isn't a dirty word......:laughing::laughing::laughing:

W--re all by itself in the Biblical sense (the Bible being a point of reference, not as a religious text), although frowned upon, is not profane. That profane word would be s---t (and it rhymes with 'but').

However, postwhore is a term specific to bulletin boards and forums on the Internet. It refers to the action of one who posts useless banal very short responses (or just a smiley), merely to increase their postcount. Nothing profane at all.

Doesn't even have a sexual reference at all to it, ulnike the root word in it suggests. It's a tongue in cheek word all the way. :wink:

Sent from my WX445 using LMF




*smacks twall in the face*
I NEVER want to see you again!
*stomps away*

No jm, glad to see you again!

I am curious, but wanted some other peoples thoughts on this. Is it just me that sees twall as a turtle with a red baseball cap? :laughing::laughing:




Who is jm ?
That Turtle wears a nifty watch with his Red BaseBall Cap ! :biggrin:
We (regular Forum members) were all glad that the "word police" didn't drive twall away. I was hoping he would fight back.... and he did ! :thumbsup:

*smacks twall in the face*
I NEVER want to see you again!
*stomps away*

No jm, glad to see you again!

I am curious, but wanted some other peoples thoughts on this. Is it just me that sees twall as a turtle with a red baseball cap? :laughing::laughing:




*smacks twall in the face*
I NEVER want to see you again!
*stomps away*

No jm, glad to see you again!

I am curious, but wanted some other peoples thoughts on this. Is it just me that sees twall as a turtle with a red baseball cap? :laughing::laughing:

I like turtles. Not just the logo. If I ever see a turtle crossing the road, I always pull over, pick it up, and deposit it where it appears to want to go, so it doesn't get squashed. Except for snappers. Then, I let it clamp onto a hefty stick, and drag it over to where it seems to want to go. :biggrin:

My GF calls me the "Turtle Hero". :laughing:




Who is jm ?

Just Messing :smile:
So now your a superhero Turtle wearing a red baseball cap and a rolex? That is who you are to me twall :laughing:




Just Messing :smile:
So now your a superhero Turtle wearing a red baseball cap and a rolex? That is who you are to me twall :laughing:

Indeed, that is me. :biggrin: But, a FAKE Rolex.




W--re all by itself in the Biblical sense (the Bible being a point of reference, not as a religious text), although frowned upon, is not profane. That profane word would be s---t (and it rhymes with 'but').

However, postwhore is a term specific to bulletin boards and forums on the Internet. It refers to the action of one who posts useless banal very short responses (or just a smiley), merely to increase their postcount. Nothing profane at all.

Doesn't even have a sexual reference at all to it, ulnike the root word in it suggests. It's a tongue in cheek word all the way. :wink:

Sent from my WX445 using LMF

"Harlot...." Now is that one profane?




Just Messing :smile:
So now your a superhero Turtle wearing a red baseball cap and a rolex? That is who you are to me twall :laughing:

Look, in the lake, sunning himself on a log, its a turtle, its a tortoise, its Terrapin Twall. Able to cross roads at a snail's pace, able to step over the smallest of insects, he fights for truth, justice and the American lawn. Wherever there's an errant blade of grass, Terrapin Twall will be there to cut it down to size.




Look, in the lake, sunning himself on a log, its a turtle, its a tortoise, its Terrapin Twall. Able to cross roads at a snail's pace, able to step over the smallest of insects, he fights for truth, justice and the American lawn. Wherever there's an errant blade of grass, Terrapin Twall will be there to cut it down to size.

*Slurps his turtle stew slowly then looks up*
Sorry I missed that, mind repeating it? :laughing:
