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When to aerate...



bullet bob

Guys, I've got 2 types of aerators. One is the spikes which I used to pull behind me practically each time I mowed. Don't know if it helps, but the grass looked nice. Then I graduated to the plug type. I use this maybe once a year. So I've got several questions for you pros. Does my spike guy do anything? I run it with several concrete blocks on it. Does it hurt/do anything to attach it each time I mow? And the plug type, when should I be using it? And how often? Live in Ohio, USA. Homeowner. Thanks all.



mechanic mark



bullet bob

So, back to one of the questions. Does pulling this spike aerator around as I mow actually do anything?




depends how deep the spike go. The plug style also lessens compaction. The spike kind compacts the soil where the spike goes in. I use the plug style myself, we even pick up as many of the plugs as we can.




Yes it increases the surface are of the air/soil interface
So there is more surface area for air to diffuse into the soil and of course you have exposed soil deeper down to fresh air.
How beneficial it will be depends on a massive number of variables from soil particle size, to actual chemical composition & bacterial - fungal load
Spiked rollers do compress the soil at the bottom of the hole so they are of less benefit to a plug puller .
Active air exchange in soils can go to a full foot down in light soils with high organic matter content.
