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Wheelhorses ready for winter




Looking forward to a Christmas day snow here in central OK. One of the nice things about winter is that we sometimes get to use our toys for snow removal. I have front blades for both the 520H and 312-8. With tire chains they work great until the snow gets near 12 inches unless it is dry powder. My 7 year old granddaughter loves to drive. She has been on the 520H since age 4 and now can do the chocking and starting procedure on a cold engine. With Hydro Drive and hydraulic lift it is an easy to operate machine. This may be her first chance at plowing snow. If the snow is no deep enough to plow, we may have to settle for sledding., which will work too.
Merry Christmas to All!





Happy Holidays... and HAVE FUN... :smile:KennyV


lawn mower fanatic

lawn mower fanatic

:smile: WELCOME TO LMF and HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you, too! :smile:




Looking forward to a Christmas day snow here in central OK. One of the nice things about winter is that we sometimes get to use our toys for snow removal. I have front blades for both the 520H and 312-8. With tire chains they work great until the snow gets near 12 inches unless it is dry powder. My 7 year old granddaughter loves to drive. She has been on the 520H since age 4 and now can do the chocking and starting procedure on a cold engine. With Hydro Drive and hydraulic lift it is an easy to operate machine. This may be her first chance at plowing snow. If the snow is no deep enough to plow, we may have to settle for sledding., which will work too.
Merry Christmas to All!

I love old lawn tractors with plows! post some pictures!!!
oh and :welcome: to lawn mower forum!!(lots or info here) and merry Christmas to you too!!




Welcome to LawnMowerForum!

I moved your thread to the Snow Removal forum. :smile:
