The biggest generalization divides grass into two groups. Cool season and hot season. Your local market should’ve already sorted that out for you. You want pure tall fescue if you live in the north western part of the country. Down south you might want pure Kentucky blue grass. The key is to avoid the blends and get purely single strains. It’s more expensive but it is worth it. The only benefit to having grass is that it holds the dirt down. No joke .check out the great dust bowl of the 1930s when we learned what happens with out grasslandsI want to install grass for my lawn, Can anyone guide me on which type of grass is more beneficial.
I agree with you. local Sod farmers would give the best advice.I would suggest Green. Local Sod Farmers would be one of your best info guys, compare with Nursery advice. The wind will quickly contaminate 'pure' strains.
Work up the surface first, spread twice as much as recommended as only 40% germinates. Lots of water, daily.