And VERY cheap compared to other dry fertilizers.
I am just going to throw in my 2 cents worth. I now have 2 different types of fungus and they sound like the same type you have. I hired a local lawn care guy here in East Texas and basically he told me I was doing most everything wrong with regards to my lawn care. Here is what he told me:
1 - I was cutting my lawn too short. I should never cut more than a 1/3 of the grass and I should always cut it on the highest setting.
That being said, I was not shaving my lawn, but I had started cutting it to setting 3 instead of as high as I could go. We had some snake
issues last year so the wife said cut it shorter which I opposed, but did it anyway of course.
2 - I was over watering. I was watering 3/7 days and my station times were varied. He said that I should only water in 1" of water once
a week and always the day after I mowed. This cycle is good for temperatures up 95 degrees and if it starts getting hotter than 95 I should
go up to 2 cycles. He said that while water is necessary a to nice lawn, it can also be your worst enemy. So, in order to get the 1" on my lawn,
I did the "can test". I laid them out on my lawn and ran 3 cycles of 15 minutes per station x 5 stations. I then dumped the water from each can
into my rain gauge to check the output of my stations. So, 3 x 15 minutes gave me the desired output, but yours might be different.
3 - I asked him if I should "punch" my lawn and he said no. The reason is the soil in our area is sandy so the water will drain good and soak in fine.
4 - I asked him if maybe I was mulching too much since I also mulched lots of leaves in the fall. He said this was not an issue at all and mulching
would put back 80% of the nutrients and water from my grass and also the leaves. Of course dry leaves have little if any water, but he did say
the leaves had other beneficial minerals too.
This is of course what works best for my lawn and I hope you can find good professional to help you. He and his wife own this small company and are not
part of a big chain like True Green or Chem Lawn which did no good for me. He also has a degree in this field from Texas A&M and not just a scripted evaluation.
I have seen some marked improvement in the fungus and the overall condition of my lawn even before he has done any treatments at all. Hope this helps.