Well get ready for major price increases


Mar 15, 2013
As far the national debit just wait it will go up more instead coming down. It been a long time the last president had us in the black with us paying down the debit and he was a peanut farmer. But as soon as the next president got in we went right back into the red.

Please folks, let's at least get this right. The peanut farmer was Carter, and while he tried to balance the budget he never did. The actual last time that the budget was balanced and the debt declined was......
wait for it.....
with the help of a split Republican and Democratic Congress.
Yeah, the guy the right wing hated at the time.
Then Bush II enacted huge tax cuts and spending increases post 9-11.
And the debt growth rate actually slowed under Obama... increased under Trump, and decreased only in the last year or so....

My prediction is that Trump will move quickly to increase tariffs, decrease taxes on the rich (again), and explore cuts to Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, and other health care spending. It will take a year for other nations to also increase tariffs, or worse. What will this do to the economy? Nothing good. By 2028 we will either be awash in inflation, or an economic crash as world trade collapses. The Democrats will take the House, Senate and Presidency in 2028, if elections are still a thing.
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Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Okay I accept that as I was still in school probably being fed BS by my teachers. But it still been a good while since we been in the black per say. Now they just keep robbing Peter to pay Paul as the saying goes.

All we can done is to hunker down and try to survive whatever get thrown at us and hope for the best. Personally I glad I make it to retirement age and don't have to put up with a lot BS anymore. Can always shut down and do what I please to a point.

BTW the way I knocking off another one my kids and roasting him for Thanksgiving. At least I won't risk the supermarket food poisoning this year.
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May 1, 2021
I also work on selling off my in house inventory towards the goal of closing my business.
Good. This is the best line ever. Please close your business and move to the UK where you can still get foreign steel and enjoy die versity and kleen ayer.
Don't let the gold plated eagle stamped doorknob hit you too hard in the hairy hole on the way out.

Tiger Small Engine

Lawn Addict
Dec 7, 2022
We owe 36 trillion in debt.
The southern border is open to millions of illegals coming in our country.
There are two wars going on that we are at least financially involved in.
Over 100,000 deaths annually from Fentanyl.
850,000 abortions per year.
** Let’s worry about a homeowner using their gas powered blower to blow off the driveway and sidewalk for five minutes **.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
We owe 36 trillion in debt.
The southern border is open to millions of illegals coming in our country.
There are two wars going on that we are at least financially involved in.
Over 100,000 deaths annually from Fentanyl.
850,000 abortions per year.
** Let’s worry about a homeowner using their gas powered blower to blow off the driveway and sidewalk for five minutes **.
I am not even going to touch this powder keg.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Good. This is the best line ever. Please close your business and move to the UK where you can still get foreign steel and enjoy die versity and kleen ayer.
Don't let the gold plated eagle stamped doorknob hit you too hard in the hairy hole on the way out.
And that door knob is probably plated with Prince metal instead of gold. Otherwords fake gold as brass based metal can be made to look like gold.

It not that I considered leaving the US but I figure at least I know what in for here and only have a few years to deal with it then they do whatever they want to with my carcass. Beside I can move out West where there a lot fewer nut cases.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2011
The last president to balance the budget and decrease the debt was Clinton, but that was prior to the Democratic Party going completely nuts. Personally, I think forty-five did an outstanding job until the pandemic hit. Now we send 300 billion to Ukraine and 100 billion to house, feed, medicate, and educate illegals while we leave our citizens/veterans homeless, and FEMA doesn't have enough money to help citizens when a catastrophe hits. And don't forget the FEMA order to "avoid" homes with Trump signs. Such a mess. Shall I get into the mess abroad? He has put together an excellent cabinet of non-bureaucrats to fix this mess, but it will take some time. I have NEVER seen such an incompetent administration as we have now. Obama got social security solvent through 2050, and Trump left it alone. This administration has robbed the fund blind, and it will be broke in 2032.
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May 1, 2021
The last president to balance the budget and decrease the debt was Clinton, but that was prior to the Democratic Party going completely nuts. Personally, I think forty-five did an outstanding job until the pandemic hit. Now we send 300 billion to Ukraine and 100 billion to house, feed, medicate, and educate illegals while we leave our citizens/veterans homeless, and FEMA doesn't have enough money to help citizens when a catastrophe hits. And don't forget the FEMA order to "avoid" homes with Trump signs. Such a mess. Shall I get into the mess abroad? He has put together an excellent cabinet of non-bureaucrats to fix this mess, but it will take some time. I have NEVER seen such an incompetent administration as we have now. Obama got social security solvent through 2050, and Trump left it alone. This administration has robbed the fund blind, and it will be broke in 2032.
The last *person* to balance the budget was that genius Newt Gingrich. Clinton just happened to be president. It was in the "contract with America" and he had to strong-arm Clinton to get it done.