Well get ready for major price increases


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
I do use FIFO costing but use current retail prices for sales. Otherwords as stock is sold it wrote off at the first in cost and when that is used up it is next cost that is wrote off. So I actually make a little extra on in stock if retail goes up before I sale the items. Or if find the item on sale at another source.

And besides the part here is also currently available in after market for about $3 ea so I ordering a dozen for stock which is enough to do four saws. Then I can either sale them at Stens or Husqvarna retail. Just depends on how greedy I get.;)

But it can hurt using price files is when the items go down in retail if the margins are too close.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Well just updated from Oct 1 To 11/21 Gardner Husqvarna price file and there were only 62494 items that had price increases. Isn't that great news?


Lawn Pro
Jul 14, 2019
Let's recall who's watch we are under, right now. Trump is not in office yet people. All these percentages and prices have zero to do with the next guy in office.

If you like wartime gas prices, something is wrong. I dislike them. I recall gas was $1.69 for E-10 and $1.99 for E-0 in Oklahoma under Trump. We saw none of this inflation slash price gouging under the last administration. Housing, insurance, medical, gas, groceries, mowers, clothing, day care on and on and on and on........ No wonder America voted the way we did.


Lawn Addict
Sep 27, 2017
gas is $5+ a gallon here and you are lucky things went different in the election. If it has gone the other way you would not have gas lawn equipment to service or sell. That is what is happening here in our wonderful Communist State of California. A good friend just threw away two nice expensive backpack blowers because they are now banned in her city, commercially too. You can spend $4000 on batteries from the big box stores if you want to use a backpack blower for long. Simple rule - if it is less than 25 hp you can't sell it other than the stock on the shelves that was waivered until it is gone. I have to wonder what a 20% tariff is on nothing.


Lawn Addict
Jul 2, 2021
Here's a little history lesson. Before Woodrow Wilson there was no income tax. All government revenue was derived from tariffs.


Lawn Addict
Jan 10, 2020
I think i will find a boat with tea on it and toss it overboard. That'll show them.

Tiger Small Engine

Lawn Addict
Dec 7, 2022
gas is $5+ a gallon here and you are lucky things went different in the election. If it has gone the other way you would not have gas lawn equipment to service or sell. That is what is happening here in our wonderful Communist State of California. A good friend just threw away two nice expensive backpack blowers because they are now banned in her city, commercially too. You can spend $4000 on batteries from the big box stores if you want to use a backpack blower for long. Simple rule - if it is less than 25 hp you can't sell it other than the stock on the shelves that was waivered until it is gone. I have to wonder what a 20% tariff is on nothing.
Are the police going to come to your house in that particular city in California and give you a ticket for using a gas leaf blower because it is banned? I think not. These bans are more structured towards new sales rather than existing equipment. There are literally millions of pieces of gas outdoor power equipment in the USA. Enforcing a ban on people using gas equipment where it is banned would seem rather difficult to do. I will be the guy revving my 2-stroke trimmer 20 years from now around my property, ban or no ban.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
What happening is Vendors are preparing for what might be coming.

Be it income tax, sales tax, or tariffs it is all still taxes on the local consumer in the end.

Btw anyone who brags needs to take a very good at how things actually went. Yes things started out great but in the end of 45th things were already going to hell in a hand basket due all the price increases. And took four years to get things back under somewhat of control. And thinking gas was low, some of us remember when gas was below 25 cents a gallon. Businesses used the Covid 19 problem as an excuse to raise prices along the wars in the Ukraine and the Middle East.

My point here is how vendors are already jacking up the prices in preparing for the possible tariffs. My last post was just an example of one price update. I still several more to load. Either way I at first will be making extra money myself off what is already in stock. Still it is the replacement costs that going to be rough.

I am not exactly in the same boat as some of you are as I have spent the last 10 yrs of cross referencing parts and do have resources for the lower cost items. Here is an example of a project this week. It is a Gravely ZTR needing two brake pull off springs. The cheapest I found were $28 ea plus shc. Sears actually want $68 ea for the same springs. Anyway I am replacing those $28 springs with ones that cost me $4 ea plus a little for shc. So the $56 cost is now $8 cost plus shc. Now that is how a good procurement officer can save money and still get the job done.

Personally I can survive this as I do know how live at bare minimums. Otherwords even though I am now getting over $1200 per month SS I still saving a huge portion of it for emergencies. And I not falling those $10,000 Guitars or $400 shoes. That I can spend on food and other things for myself.

What going to happen is what the voters wanted so we all just have to deal with it in the end. Just hope there is some adults in the room.

Tiger believe it or not there is already police ticketing people for using their equipment in cities because it is too noisy so if they want to they do the same on banned equipment.


Lawn Addict
Jan 10, 2020
In commiefornia and others states the HOAs and towns are banning gas powered equipment and are issuing fines to homeowners for using them. They can pass whatever stupid rules they want. And yes they can send the police to give you a ticket.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
And what worst is some of the laws are voted for by the stupid voters. Or by those that don't even bother to vote which is the same as voting for it.

Madison county, AL residents had opportunity here about 12 yrs ago to reduce their property taxes in half. What the powers to be did was to put the current expiring rate along a second bill additional tax of 50% more. The darn stupid voters voted to renew the old tax and turn down the new tax. If they were smart they would turned down the old tax rate and voted for new lower tax rate.

We MUST use heads, research the facts, and vote for reasonable laws and reasonable leaders. and stop being conned by all the fancy lies from politicians. Oh they make it sound so good until it is passed then they stab us in the back nearly everytime.