Same recipe as cordless drills and now 0-turn mowers. Battery NLA, throw the item on the curb.
Don't see how these wonder clean battery devices are saving the planet??
They are a con to allow the sinners to go on sinning with a clean conscience .
The no 1 problem is too many people but as every system of government and every economic theory relies on an ever increasing population getting that through peoples minds will be near impossible particularly when those who profit most by having excess population will be pouring buckets of money into keeping the status quo .
After that we all have to moderate our lifestyles quite substantially, remember walking in the woods & camping for holidays and a "once in a lifetime " trip overseas ?
The fact that the EV makers are all pushing their product as the only solution , for no other reason than their personal greed shows that nothing has actually changed .
Hydrogen powered vehicles are the only truely green solution to transport apart from leg power, and only then if the hydrogen is from solar electrolysis of water .
I had hoped when the first Tesla Time Bomb burst into flames last year down here we might have rethought battery storage & gone with safer flow cell technology but no they are replacing it with a bigger one . Are we really the most intelligent species on the planet ?
Try keeping one under 85 deg C when the surrounding air is 40 + deg C
Back in my college days I remember all of the exciting work being done in medicine and the promise that we were on the cusp of being the last generation to die from "old age".
There were also some physists warning that if we keep on polluting the way we were then we could be the last generation to walk the planet .( no climate scientists in those days)
Looks very much like the latter will overcome the former .
We are getting ready for the 5th flood down the East Coast this season with the promise of a couple more when the spring rains come .
There was 2 floods in the previous 15 years that I have been here and both were minor.
The 4 this year have all been major or above major.