US Steel Sold


Active Member
Jun 10, 2012
Closing a pipe line did not change anything?


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
Closing a pipe line did not change anything?

No, not really. How could it, when there was nothing flowing through that part of it? If that part was completed and Biden forced them to stop pumping those tar sands through it, that would be one thing. You know, an actual reduction in production.

Except for a refinery outside of Houston, the US isn't going to benefit from that crap anyways. It's tar sands. It's expensive to refine. And they have to dilute it so much, and use a higher pressure for it to even flow.
The high pressure is the real concern about it. Because it crosses over the Ogallala aquafer. That stretches from South Dakota all the way down to Texas and New Mexico. Millions upon millions of people and livestock drink from that aquafer.
If it leaks or busts, it could contaminate trillions of gallons of water. And since it's an aquafer, there'd be no way to clean the spill.

BTW, closing all those oil leases in the Gulf, made no difference either, because no oil company was even trying to lease them. And hadn't been for years. Once an oil company leases one, when they get around to it, they'll start doing geological studies on it to find the right place to drill. That takes a long time. Then there's another 4 years or so before they drop a well on that location.

So you see, a lot of that propaganda was being passed around, was just propaganda. If the pipeline had been completed,
1. It wouldn't have created 10's of thousands of jobs. Just a bunch of temp jobs for pipeliners and Xray guys, who probably drug up from one job to work that one. (so no "new" jobs).
2. The tar sands that would've been flowing through it wasn't going to be the USA's. It would've never went into our gas tanks, or reduced the cost of our gas. It would've been the Chinese and Canadians to sell on their market. We would've been doing the refining. But only by a company that's already refining. So no new jobs there either.
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Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
Biden was a gift horse to the oil companies. Record high profits at the same time as record low production. Biden is gravy for the oil companies.
He lied when he said he was going to end fossil fuels in this country. And both sides believed him.

Never trust a politician.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Our cost of living expenses are WAY up from just a few years ago.
Everything from gas to diesel, groceries, propane (heating), electric, water, Etc.
Everything costs a lot more.
The reason why you are seeing higher prices is WALL ST profit gouging pure & simple
Go to any market index site and check the oil prices , they are all so far down that OPC + is cutting production in 1/2 to try & bring the price back to the $ 75 -$ 100 mark.
As it is reporting season right now, follow this up with checking the returns on all of the oil companies & retailers
Profit percentages are way way up and that only happens whe the margins are up and that is price gouging .
Australia has avoided the worst of the downturns for 1 reason & 1 reason only, record levels of immigrants
You are being brainwashed by the Trump maga republicans .
If you stop & think about it , undocumented migrants actually save the government money because they never go to a public hospital, never claim social security , they never get any benefits they have to pay full price for every thing and they have to live so they have to buy things and when vendors know they are illegals most jack up the prices they pay because they know illegals have no way of registering a complaint , they have to live some where and they have to rent because they can not purchase US real estate
Illegal very rarely commit crimes, not even a parking fine , because being caught means instant deportation , now this bit excludes the drug runners, but they go back again for a second shipment and again most of them are working for a US citizen , and the bulk of all illicit drugs come in via the ports not via the border .
Serious criminals bribe officials to get visas & fly in or fly in using a charter flight as border running is way too risky for them, and again the pilots smuggling them in are usually you flag waving church going hand on your heart republican voters .

There will of course be a very small minority of rat bags who do cause trouble but they usually get booted out.
Then there is the geopolitical aspect .
Russia is doing it's best to destabilise the USA , create unrest and stoke the fires for civil war , and the proof was the Jan 6th riots.
And one of these tools is to escalate the border issue way out of hand by posting total BS on social media that the Americans fall for, hook line & sinker .
A for instance there were over 2000 images of supposed illegals storming across the border taken off social media in the past 2 months .
All of them were not a US border post and the bulk were from Venezuela , security camera footage on toll booths , one was a foot ball stadium etc etc etc .
In fact several congress people presented these fake images to congress in the past few weeks during the Ukraine aid bill fiasco .
And Russia is recruiting illegals and bussing them up close to border posts just after the media gets a tip off that a mass border crossing is under way .
Next time you hear some one mouthing off about the dire straits of the mass illegal scourge , write down every point they make, then ask yourself does this make sense to me then do some fact checking.
Again here was a republican congress person stating that the democrats were involved in smuggling in these illegals to increase the democratic vote in republican seats to swing the election in the democrats favour which of course is nonsense and if you do not believe then then check the rules about being elegible to vote if you are an immigrant , And if that was the case, one might ask how much does that elected representative actually know about the way they were elected ?


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
The Biden adminstration will have allowed between 8 and 10 million known elligals not counting the got aways into our country during his presidency. The got aways are the ones we need to worry about the most. Probably terrorist.
Again this is Russian propaganda spread on social media to destabilize the USA
have a think about it
If you were a known terrorist how would you try to enter the USA
1) on a boat disguised as a crew member
2) on a small boat & try to evade the coast guard . way north of the border like say NY
3) an a light aircraft charter flying low to avoid radar ( so pilot was most likely ex USAF or marine )
4) on a commercial flight with a fake passport & some disguise
5) run across a border where here are thousands of police

Terrorist are only raving lunatics on cheap Hollywood movies , most of them are very clever because if not they would already be deceased .


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
And 4 years ago, we were worse off than 4 years prior to that. And 4 years prior to that. And so forth and so on, all the way back to George Washington days.

Once people realize that any president has very little to do with making the economy and gas prices better, the better we'll get a choosing a good president.
When Biden took office, the economic and oil bubble had already burst. That die had already been cast and there was no way to stop it.
When Trump took office, the bubble had already burst (during Obama) and we were in an economic recovery stage. That die was already cast as well. Regardless of who won the 2016 election, the economy was going to get better. Russia and Saudi's oil price war was happening. Cheap oil was starting to flood the market and the prices were coming down.

None of this was because of anything Trump did. Just like all the oil production that's going on right now in the US, (record levels) is of Biden's doing. But like Trump, Biden is going to try and take credit for it.
never a truer word said
Wall St runs most of the country .
In the few places where congress runs things, well Wall St still runs the congress .
It comes down to your idiot voting system, optional, voting , the electoral college system made all the worse with elections every 2 years so both parties are on a perpetual bribe the public to vote for me footing .
So every 2 year both parties have to find a couple of hundred million to encourage you lot to drag your butts off the couch or away from the bar & cast a vote , that of course is if the totally corrupted registration process has allowed to to register to vote in the first place.
Wall st foots the bill for this in expectations of a 500% return on their "investment" which both parties have no problem in doing .

Then of course every state has their own voting laws plus you have this really idiot system where President Trump can run for president even after being found guilty on the 18 charges he currently is on trial for so is in jail but a university student who smoked some pot on campus & was convicted can never vote again .
You have a constitution with no provisions for overcoming a blockage of supply so every couple of months you get a government shut down because one side ( both are culpable ) refuses to pass the budget.
Every other country on the planet has a provision for this and in most cases it s a dissolution of the government completely and a full election for all houses and in some cases the president as well .


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Or better yet, simply not spent at all. We just reached $34 trillion national debt.
There are 3 kinds of national debt and all of them produce figures that make super rubber look like wet clay
1) money the government borrowed as a contract from persons, countries or governments overseas . This is real, has real interest and has to be paid back in a timely mannar
2) money raised internally within the USA usually as bonds & leans , this money is sort of real as in many cases the bonds never get paid back, they just roll over into new bonds and of course inflation eats into the repayments as the interest rate is always fixed
3) bull shit debt cause by money printing as happened during covid where the White House owes money to the Treasury who bought bonds from the White House .
These are left pocket to right pocket debts that never get paid back but are relaxed or written down over time but the numbers come in handy when there is a big cost items you either want or do not want to finance .


Active Member
Jun 10, 2012
You are mistaken, over here the Immigrants do get free welfare, free health care, free rent and who knows what else. Government cards can be openly traded for alcohol, cigarettes etc. Against the law but signs openly posted on some convenience stores. Massive cost to state and government. They Can purchase real estate.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
First you got remember America is a country of Immigrants is the first place. Only the Native Indians are truly the legal residents but even they are long ago Immigrates themselves. Yes illegal immigration is a major problem. Immigrants came to our land and just stole it by force.

Most legal immigrates brings skills to add to our own and are law abiding citizens.

But about the only way to stop illegal immigration is to totally shutdown the borders and setup our military along the borders with machine guns and mow people down regardless if they are trying enter legally or not. There I said it, its what the Republicans want period.

If our Congressional members really want to something about immigration they got to get off their asses and change our laws related to immigration. But Congress members just just do things from the lip out causing more problems than they fix.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
I need to correct something.
"(record levels) "isn't" of Biden's doing. But like Trump, Biden is going to try and take credit for it.

It comes down to your idiot voting system, optional, voting , the electoral college system made all the worse with elections every 2 years so both parties are on a perpetual bribe the public to vote for me footing .

Our electoral system was fine 150 years ago. But now it's not. Now it's a means to allow a small amount of unknown people to decide who our next president is going to be.
The delegate process we have is even worse. Once the RNC sends down it's orders to the state and local chairman, as to who the party is going to support, then any possible delegate for someone that opposes that nominee is blackballed from the state and national convention.
Been there. Done that.
The local chairman isn't allowed to tell the local members which candidate the RNC or DNC is supporting. But they can and do steer the meetings and the potential delegates towards that candidate. If someone who's vying to be a delegate at the state convention, even if they're well spoken & clean cut, they don't stand a snowballs chance at going to the state convention.

Then of course every state has their own voting laws plus you have this really idiot system where President Trump can run for president even after being found guilty on the 18 charges he currently is on trial for so is in jail

There's nothing in our constitution about felons not being able to run for president.

but a university student who smoked some pot on campus & was convicted can never vote again .

That's not accurate. Being caught smoking pot isn't a felony. But I get your point.
You have a constitution with no provisions for overcoming a blockage of supply so every couple of months you get a government shut down because one side ( both are culpable ) refuses to pass the budget.
Every other country on the planet has a provision for this and in most cases it s a dissolution of the government completely and a full election for all houses and in some cases the president as well .

This is 100% accurate. Each president releases a budget, and each congress doesn't even care. It's either voted down or completely ignored. This has happened so many times, It makes me wonder why the president even bothers to write up a budget. I know why the House doesn't pass a presidents budget. Because there's not enough handouts for their lobbyist.
We're in a constant state of continued resolutions. And they always wait til the last minute so that there's sufficient pressure on congressmen to pass it, so they can go home for the holidays. (when the voters themselves are more concerned with the holidays)